Originally posted on August 25, 2018 @ 9:08 pm Sad news for the world tonight. Senator and...
Highlights From President Joe Biden's Speech
Former President Barack Obama Speaks Out About President Joe Biden Stepping Down
President Joe Biden Drops Out of Presidental Race
Rudy Giuliani’s Mug Shot Released The Fulton County Sheriff’s Office released Rudy Giuliani’s mugshot earlier today. The...
Politician and War Veteran Bob Dole Dead at 98 Sad news for the world today. American hero,...
Former Secretary of Defense Ronald Rumsfeld Dead at 88 Sad news in the world of politics today. ...
Caitlyn Jenner Running for Governor of California From Olympian to governor? Caitlyn Jenner announced today via Instagram...
Caitlyn Jenner Talks Politics on The Carlos Watson Show Caitlyn Jenner recently went on The Carlos Watson...
Sad news for the world tonight. Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who was been a Supreme Court Justice since...