Big Brother 25 Finale Recap for 11/9/2023
Big Brother 25 Recap for 10/1/2023 Big Brother 25 on CBS opens with the next HOH competition. Each alliance (America, Cory, Jag and Matt, Mecole and Felicia and Matt Jag and Cameron with Bowie and Cirie on their own and Blue with Cory, America, Matt and Jag in a completely different alliance) is fighting for …
Big Brother 25 Recap for 8/31/2023: A Surprise Twist
Big Brother 25 Recap for 8/23/2023: Who Got Evicted? Big Brother 25 faces its 3rd eviction of the season. Hisam and Cameron are both on the block, but as of now it seems like Hisam is the one heading home based on how the house feels about his gameplay. Hisam is ANGRY because his alliance …
Big Brother 25 Recap for 8/16/2023: Who Won POV? Big Brother 25 picks up right where we left off with the nomination ceremony. Hisam thinks that having Cameron and Reilly on the block will see where the alliances stand. Cameron thinks he is safe, while Reilly is fit to be tied. Reilly talks to …
Big Brother 25 Live Feeds: About Last Night WARNING: THESE LIVE FEED RECAPS CONTAIN POTENTIAL SPOILERS FOR BIG BROTHER 25. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. Thank you, as always to Paramount Plus and Big Brother Network for making these recaps possible. Thursday Night: Felicia and Reilly think Kirsten is trying to stir the pot and …
Big Brother 25 Live Feeds: The First 24 Hours WARNING: THIS POST CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE NEXT FEW EPISODES OF BIG BROTHER 25 ON CBS! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! The live feeds for Big Brother 25 began last night after the show’s premiere. As we know, we have 17 houseguests, one of which was …
Big Brother 25 Recap for 8/23/2023: Was the POV Used?
Big Brother 25 Live Feeds: A Quick Update WARNING: THESE LIVE FEED RECAPS CONTAIN POTENTIAL SPOILERS FOR BIG BROTHER 25. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. As always, thanks to Paramount Plus and Big Brother Network for the news of the feeds. Today, the feeds were shut down most of the day due to the incident …
Big Brother 25 Recap for 8/20/2023 Big Brother 25 picks up right after the eviction ceremony. Hisam is happy his plan to get rid of Reilly worked, not knowing it was done because Cameron told his alliance he was planning to take Hisam out next week. Cameron himself is sad that Reilly is gone since …
Big Brother 25 Live Feeds: Saturday Sessions WARNING: THIS POST CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE NEXT FEW EPISODES OF BIG BROTHER 25 ON CBS! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Here is what we know so far from the live feeds: Special thanks to Paramount Plus and Big Brother Network for the live feeds/TL;DR summary: Cirie, Red …
Big Brother 25 Recap for 8/10/2023: Who Got Evicted? We are at the very first eviction for Big Brother 25! Did Kirsten or Felicia go home? We are about to find out! Hisam thinks that everyone wants Kirsten gone anyway and his best bet is to not expose himself in any way, shape or …
Big Brother 25 Recap for 8/17/2023: Did Reilly or Cameron Leave? Tonight is the second eviction on CBS’s Big Brother 25. Cameron and Reilly are both up for eviction, thanks to Hisam. It is obvious that Reilly is the target based on Hisam’s speech. The Handful alliance think they can get one more vote …
Big Brother 25 Recap for 8/13/2023: The Second HOH Revealed This is the beginning of week two of CBS’s Big Brother 25. Kirsten was evicted and Luke was expelled so we are down to fifteen houseguests. HOH time! Mysterious figures are lurking as the houseguests are given clues on where to remain safe. If …
Big Brother 25 Live Feeds: A New Week Begins WARNING: THESE LIVE FEED RECAPS CONTAIN POTENTIAL SPOILERS FOR BIG BROTHER 25. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. Thank you, as always to Paramount Plus and Big Brother Network for making these recaps possible. Sunday: The swimsuit photoshoot takes place. I always thought it happened pre-season, but …
Big Brother 25 Recap for 8/8/2023: Who Won POV? This episode of Big Brother 25 picks up where we left off Sunday. Felicia and Kirsten are on the block with Kirsten being the target. Reilly thinks she did too much too fast and needs to go. She knows Felicia is well liked in the house …
Big Brother 25 Live Feeds: Another Week in the House Begins WARNING: THIS POST CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THIS WEEK’S EPISODES OF BIG BROTHER 25 ON CBS! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Special thanks to Paramount Plus and Big Brother Network! Sunday: The feeds come back after being down for almost a day. It seems like …
Big Brother 25 Premiere Recap for 8/2/2023 It is Big Brother 25 Premiere Day! Sixteen new houseguests will fight to win $750,000 while facing alliances, HOH competitions, POV competitions and more….as always, expect the unexpected. The Houseguests: Blue is from NYC and she wants to retire her mom early if she wins. She is also …
Big Brother 25 Live Feeds: Friday Fun WARNING: THIS POST CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR BIG BROTHER 25. ALL INFORMATION WAS OBTAINED FROM THE LIVE FEEDS ON PARAMOUNT PLUS AND BIG BROTHER NETWORK. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. FRIDAY FEED HIGHLIGHTS: Kirsten feels left out of the house and wonders if people are forming alliances without her. …
Big Brother 25 Live Feeds: Week 2 Begins WARNING: THESE LIVE FEED RECAPS CONTAIN POTENTIAL SPOILERS FOR BIG BROTHER 25. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. Thank you, as always to Paramount Plus and Big Brother Network for making these recaps possible. Thursday-Post Show: HOH is played off screen. Hisam won! Jared went to the Nether …
Big Brother 25 Recap for 8/6/2023: The First HOH and Nomination Ceremony Tonight’s episode of Big Brother 25 continues with where we left off….with Cirie’s grand entrance. She is a Survivor legend, winner of The Traitors and Jared’s mom. Nobody knows the latter….yet. Izzy realizes the Cirie/Jared connection right away and promises not to say …
Big Brother 24 Finale Recap for 9/25/2022: Who Won It All? It has all come down to this….we are at the live finale for Big Brother 24 on CBS. Taylor, Monte and Turner are all competing for the coveted win. The episode begins with the first HOH competition that will determine who will be …
Big Brother 24 Recap for 9/22/2022: The Cookout Returns This is the final eviction for CBS’s Big Brother 24 before the finale. Before we get to that, we have a jury segment and home videos to get to….as well as more drama! Taylor and Monte get into a fight. It seems like they are …
Big Brother 24 Recap for 9/18/2022: Who Is On The Block? This week’s Big Brother 24 on CBS opens with the aftermath of the HOH competition. Taylor wonders who voted for her to be evicted, Tuner realized Brittany cannot be trusted and Brittany wonders what will happen next. There are a bunch of flashbacks …
Big Brother 24 Recap for 9/15/2022: Meet Your Final Four We are facing the eviction that will give us the final four on CBS’s Big Brother 24. Taylor replaced Brittany on the block and at this point, Monte thinks that it will be Alyssa heading to jury tonight….but as we all know, expect the unexpected. …
Big Brother 24 Recap for 9/14/2022: Who Won POV? Tonight’s episode of Big Brother 24 on CBS picks up right where we left off….as it does every Wednesday. Right now, Monte hopes the veto isn’t used so he doesn’t have to change the nominations. He knows he has a better chance of getting to the …
Big Brother 24 Recap for 9/8/2022: Double Eviction and Final Five Revealed Tonight is double eviction night on CBS’s Big Brother 24. Terrance and Alyssa are on the block, but later on, there will be a second eviction. For now though, we are focusing on the post POV meeting, where Michael decided against using …
Big Brother 24 Recap for 9/7/2022: BB Comics Returns Tonight’s episode of CBS’s Big Brother 24 picks up with the aftermath of the nomination ceremony. Michael assures Alyssa she has nothing to worry about this week, while Terrance broods over being on the block again. Turner and Alyssa talk about this turn of events. …
Big Brother 24 Recap for 9/4/2022: Zingbot Returns Tonight’s episode of Big Brother 24 on CBS opens with the HOH competition. It looks like a running and puzzle building type game, but it is never quite explained, nor do I recall them explaining it in the previous episode. Everyone seems to want Michael to …
Big Brother 24 Recap for 9/1/2022: Who Got Evicted? Tonight’s live episode of Big Brother 24 on CBS opens with Kyle confronting Brittany about bringing up the racial division in the house. She says this has been bothering her for weeks. Kyle then talks to Monte and Terrance, who are both upset with Kyle’s …
Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/28/2022: Who Won HOH? This week of Big Brother 24 on CBS kicks off with the house being reunited. Taylor is upset that Joseph is gone, so she walks away. Michael comforts her and tells her to focus on the HOH competition….and to win for Joseph. Alyssa fills …
Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/25/2022: Double Eviction Night Tonight is the first double eviction on CBS’s Big Brother 24. The first will evict someone from Big Brochella (Monte or Jasmine) and Dyre Fest (Kyle or Joseph). First we get to the Big Brochella happenings. Jasmine thinks she could be safe because Monte is …
Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/18/2022: POV, HOH and a Twist The live audience is back on CBS’s Big Brother 24. This is night 44 in the house. The episode itself picks up with the POV talk we left off on last night. It seems like most of the house wants to backdoor Alyssa. …
Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/14/2022: Who Won HOH? Tonight’s episode of CBS’s Big Brother 24 opens with the HOH comp. Michael thinks his reign was a success. Brittany wants a Leftover to win the comp so they can target Terrance, Alyssa, Indy or Jasmine. Jasmine drops first, which Turner uses as an …
Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/5/2022: The Showmance and the Blindside Tonight on Big Brother 24 on CBS we will see the end of another Bestie team break up as either Taylor or Nicole get evicted. When we last left our houseguests, the POV was used and we saw Indy and Alyssa get …
Big Brother 24 Recap for 7/28/2022: Did The Leftovers Pull a Blindside? Tonight’s episode of Big Brother 24 on CBs opens with the veto meeting. Michael and Brittany are down, Ameerah and Terrance are up. Turner uses the excuse that he didn’t talk game with them…..and also because he thinks Taylor has been though enough. …
CBS’s Big Brother 24 (aka the POV week 3) picks up right where we left off with the nomination ceremony. Brittany is upset about being on the block, while Nicole wants to find a way to get rid of Taylor–even if it means going on the block herself. Taylor is thrilled to go on …
Big Brother 23 Recap for 9/23/2021: Who Is In The Final Three? Tonight is the final live eviction before next week’s finale. Azah and Kyland are on the block and waiting to see if Xavier will use the Power of Veto to save one of them and put Big D on the block. The …
Big Brother 23 Recap for 9/16/2021: Who Are The Final Four Houseguests? Tonight is the second double eviction night on CBS’s Big Brother 23. Hannah and Tiffany are both on the block, with one of them being the first Cookout member to go to jury. The final six are all happy to have made …
Big Brother 23 Recap for 9/15/2021: Did The Nominations Change? Tonight’s episode of CBS’s Big Brother 23 picks up where we left off at the nomination ceremony. Hannah and Tiffany are on the block and neither of them are happy about it. Kyland says Tiffany is the actual target because she cannot be trusted. …
Big Brother 23 Recap for 9/9/2021: Double Eviction Night! Tonight is the first double eviction night on CBS’s Big Brother 23. The first one is between Xavier and Claire, the latter having been put on the block after Alyssa took herself off. Alyssa thinks that she can blindside Tiffany in the live eviction, who …
Big Brother 23 Recap for 9/8/2021: Did Xavier Win POV? Tonight’s episode of CBS’s Big Brother 23 opens with the aftermath of the Nomination ceremony. Alyssa is upset about being on the block, but not surprised. She also has no idea she is the actual target. Xavier is also upset and thinks Tiffany …
Big Brother 23 Recap for 9/5/2021: Who Won HOH? Tonight’s episode of CBS’s Big Brother 23 continues with the HOH competition. As each person hangs on for dear life, they go round and round and get hit with bubbles, water and are surrounded by circus memorabilia Order of elimination: Big D Alyssa Claire Hannah …