Ultimate Tag Sneak Peek

Originally posted on April 1, 2020 @ 9:05 pmULTIMATE TAG is a high-octane physical competition show based on the classic playground game of chase! Each week, competitors must vault, dodge, tumble and dive their way through several different epic, three-dimensional courses. All the while, the contestants will be chased by resident Taggers. These larger-than-life characters have …

Jeopardy’s College Championship Tournament Schedule Announced

Originally posted on March 30, 2020 @ 11:56 amAmerica’s Favorite Quiz Show® today announced the match-ups for the first week of the JEOPARDY! College Championship presented by LendingTree®. Starting Monday, April 6, this 10-day special event features 15 of America’s sharpest students competing for the $100,000 grand prize and a berth in the next Tournament …