Will Trent Recap for 3/18/2025

Will Trent Recap for 3/18/2025

Will Trent Recap for 3/18/2025

-Marion and Will seem to be getting serious about each other….and Betty liking her is icing on the cake.

-Marion is taking juggling lessons….for the arthritis in her hands.

-Will wants to do something special for Marion’s birthday, even though she is not into the idea….but Betty’s cuteness changes her mind.

-Jeremy is scared about being an informant, but Will assures him it will all be okay. However, they need to keep it from Faith.

-Speaking of Faith, she calls about a case involving a missing girl named Whitney, whose mom is terrified since her car and ID are in the house. Her phone is missing and she had no reason to run.

-Will looks outsides and finds Whitney’s dead body.

-Faith and Will find fake ID, pot and mean messages. There is also one between her and someone named Elijah, who is in his thirties and a choreographer.

-Whitney shows up as a ghost that only Will can see and talk to….reminding him he talks to dead people.

-Elijah is preparing people for a debutante ball. His boss Lorianne lets Will and Faith talk to him.

-Elijah claims Whitney had a crush on him and rebuffed her advances. He also claims he has an alibi for that night.

-Michael’s kiddos have poison ivy. He is working on another murder case with Angie involving an AC repair man named Monroe who was beloved, save for his ex-wife.

-Whitney’s classmates talk about her as Ghost Whitney gives snarky commentary. One girl named Tasha says she was close to Whitney until Whitney got popular and told everyone about her hospital stay. She also has a troubling moment with her stepfather and says her mom died, which is why she is taking pills.

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-Tasha tells Will and Faith to talk to Jayden, who was cheating on his girlfriend with Whitney. Molly the girlfriend hits him until Faith tells them to get out of the car and Will says Jayden is being brought in for questioning when an item was found from the crime scene in his ca.

-Jayden plays recordings from Whitney wanting to meet up and getting mad when he wasn’t there…..but it has a recording of her talking to someone else. He says she had a lot of enemies and even fought with Lorriane.

-Jayden also claims that he saw a car leaving her house when he arrived and left when she wasn’t there. He took the towel from her house to clean his shoes.

-Michael and Angie work on the case with their dead guy with Pete over Zoom. He describes the food in Monroe’s stomach, which Cooper recognizes as a chopped cheese dish from a local restaurant. They realize he was there before his murder only a block away.

-Cooper and Max fight over Sprites.

-Everyone wants the chopped cheese….tomorrow.

-Whitney antagonizes Will and makes him seem crazy. He talks to Lorriane, while Faith talks to Elijah, whose alibi checks out. It turns out Faith went to the dance school he was at that night.

-Elijah says that Tasha changed after her mom died and her friendship with Whitney changed.

-Faith talks about getting kicked out a dance school when she got pregnant, and a rival told everyone. This leads to Elijah asking her on a date.

-Lorriane says Whitney was not allowed at the cotillion until Whitney blackmailed her over the fact that she lied about graduating Spellman.  All the while, Whitney is there giving commentary and trying to help.

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-Tasha was the owner of the car that Jayden saw the night of the murder. She is questioned and says she doesn’t remember going to Whitney’s house due to blackouts from her meds. Her stepdad Gavin says she was stabling things, and that Whitney was a trigger.

-Gavin thinks she failed Tasha and isn’t sure what could have happened to cause all of this.

-The restaurant is out of the sandwich, which upsets everyone. Angie asks for an alternative sandwich and security footage.

-Max says he is trying out for the school play, which surprises Michael even though he is happy for him. He gives him some words of encouragement and tells him to go for it even though he is embarrassed about his poison ivy.

-The security footage shows Monroe getting his sandwich and someone getting mad over them being out of the sandwich. They wonder if this dude killed Monroe over the sandwich.

-Security footage from Tasha’s hospital stay shows Whitney visiting her and vowing to help her find out what is happening with her meds. Will figures out someone was messing with Tasha’s medication….with the help of Whitney explaining why she was helping her.

-The gang figures out that Gavin was messing with Tasha’s meds to have her declared unstable so he can inherit the money left by Tasha’s mom….basically pulling a Britney Spears on her.

-Michael helping Max with his audition in the middle of the restaurant is hysterical.

-Cooper sees the murder suspect outside, so Michael chases him and takes him down.

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-Gavin runs from Will and Faith and gets hit by a truck. He killed Whitney and made it look like Tasha did it so he can have her committed.

-Whitney says there is something he missed, and it is all in the voice message she left Jayden where she sounded annoyed when asking someone why they were at her house.

-Will and Marion find a recording of a sex tape with Gavin and the killer. Sadly, her birthday dinner won’t happen.

-Michael says Monroe’s killer murdered him over the sandwich because he was having a very bad day, and he was mad he couldn’t have the sandwich.

-Faith is ready for her date and everyone tells her she is beautiful.

-Max is Mercutio in the play.

-Faith loves watching the cotillion with Elijah and agrees to go out with him again.

-Will shows up and tells Faith to go along with his plan to arrest Lorriane….Whitney’s killer.

-Elijah dances with Faith but asks if she wants to arrest a waiter beforehand.  they have a sweet bonding moment as Whitney thanks Will for finding her killer. She also tells him to tell Faith the truth about Jeremy….and that there are dogs in heaven.

-Marion says her divorce is finalizes as she and Will eat pancakes and kiss. Betty is jealous.


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