The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City: Friendship Roulette: The Highlights
Here are the highlights for The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, Friendship Roulette!
- How does Jen still think she did nothing wrong?
- Jen should just apologize, even if it was one of her ‘people’ who tweeted the stuff about Brooks.
- Heather sitting there with her drink and just watching and commenting with Whitney is hilarious.
- That poor dude looks so confused when Jen is screaming about defending her vagina.
- Why would Jen toss her diamond tennis bracelet….with $17,000, no less!
- Stuart trying to talk logic into Jen is not even worth the effort.
- I know Lisa has good intentions by being the peacemaker, but she seems to be doing more harm than good.
- I wonder how long their ‘hug it out, let’s make peace’ will last.
- I want those blue cabinets Mary has in her kitchen.
- Jennie would hate me for how I fold my towels.
- I cannot believe there are people who have never been to a KFC.
- Lisa’s friend Angie is like me, super healthy or junk food, no in between.
- Inbred polygamy cousins? WTF?
- The vampire facial sounds freaky AF. I would try about any facial or beauty regimen, but that is not one of them.
- So is Jen going to blame her people for the tweets about Mary too?
- It is important to make sure you are not dating your second cousin. Noted, Whitney.
- WOW, did Lisa seriously sabotage Angie’s event? That is really crappy.
- This casino night seems like a blast.
- Angie talking about religion and her child having the same rights is a lesson we all need to learn. I commend her so much for all the support she is giving her child.
- Big Bird called, he wants his outfit back.
- Wow, Lisa really has no right to tell Angie who she can or cannot be friends with, cousins or not!
- Why did Lisa drag everyone into this fight?
- Lisa is being WAY out of line with trying to control Whitney and Angie’s friendship.
More next week, stay tuned.
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