Lego Masters Recap for 8/24/2021

Lego Masters Recap for 8/24/2021

Lego Masters Recap for 8/24/2021

Tonight’s episode of Fox’s Lego Masters kicks off with Will Arnett telling the teams they will be splitting up. One teammate will make a land  creature, while another will make a sea creature. They will literally be divided so they cannot even see or help each other.


The final five teams are:

Zack and Wayne

Natalie and Michelle

Caleb and Jacob

Mark and Steven

Dave and Richard


Caleb is doing a chameleon for his land creature, while Jacob is making a sea lobster. Jacob seems confident, but Caleb seems to struggle without the help of his brother, whom he says is more creative in this kind of project.


Richard is making a penguin, while Dave focuses on building coral.


Steven builds a giraffe, while Mark makes a jellyfish.


Natalie initially wants to make a jellyfish as well, but makes an electric eel when she realizes Mark is also doing a jellyfish.  Michelle, for her part, makes a rat.


Wayne makes a crocodile, while Zack makes a lion fish.


As they work, the judges and Will walk around giving commentary.


Dave begins to worry since his project is the only one without a face. He (as well as Will and the judges) worry it might not be recognizable.


Before long, time is up and it is time to be judges. Zack’s lion fish loses its tail, upsetting him. However, Will tells them that the sea and land creatures will now have to be fused together, so there may be a chance at redemption.

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Dave and Richard use the coral to make a punk rock penguin.


Caleb and Jacob and Zack and Wayne easily fuse their projects together.


Mark and Steven balance the giraffe on top of the jellyfish.


Michelle and Natalie come up with a unique fusion.


The judges then give their pros and cons on each project before declaring Zack and Wayne and Caleb and Jacob the top two teams, with Caleb and Jacob winning.


They then announce the bottom two teams. Since

Mark and Steven didn’t use their golden brick, they could be in danger.


However, it is Natalie and Michelle and Dave and Richard in the bottom, with Dave and Richard going home.


More next week, stay tuned!


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