The Real Housewives of Dallas Recap for Bigfoot, Better Drama

The Real Housewives of Dallas Recap for Bigfoot, Better Drama

The Real Housewives of Dallas Recap for Bigfoot, Better Drama

The Real Housewives of Dallas opens tonight with the Brandi/D’Andra fight continuing. They both get their feelings out and eventually make up.


The ladies leave for the trip, laughing and chatting about life. After stopping for gas and snacks, D’Andra takes over driving from Brandi….and it is quite interesting to say the least.


Stephanie tells them that they will be playing games while in Oklahoma. Kary says that her team better win.


Once they arrive, they pick roommates based on whose shoes they pick. Kary and Stephanie are together, then it is Kameron and Tiffany and D’Andra and Brandi. Once that is settled, they begin drinking and cooking over the fire for their ‘bonding.’ They are dressed in camo, because of course they do.


As they eat and talk about their outdoor experiences, someone arrives, scaring the living daylights out of them. It is Charles, the Bigfoot Expert, who is there to talk to them about the legendary sightings. He claims to have seen Bigfoot and tells them the story…..even though the ladies think it is BS. They take the time to listen, though, as well as ask questions. Kary just wants to know if he gets a hard on when he kills something. (Close but not quite!)


Fast forward to the Bigfoot hunting. It ends up being a comedy of errors with knives and everyone loopy and just having fun.  Bigfoot is not found, Kary has her knife taken away and declares Charles has a small penis.

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The next morning, the ladies enjoy Dr. Pepper donuts, bacon, eggs and Bloody Marys. As they eat, they talk about the night before and their plans for the night. Stephanie calls Kary out on being rude to Charles and is hurt that she won’t take it seriously. Stephanie wants her to apologize, but Kary gets annoyed. Kary is also rude to D’Andra about the food she cooks.


Later on, Stephanie discusses it with the other ladies, who take her side.


After breakfast, they go fishing….and drink. Tiffany wears an umbrella hat, Brandi pees in the water and Kary is just happy that the fish won’t die.


They also make chardonnay and manage to not fight, until the topic of Kary’s rudeness comes up again.


That night, they play games and Kary apologizes to D’Andra about making fun of her food. They make up and Kary is now more aware of her behavior. She also tearfully apologizes to Stephanie and they hug it out.


More next week, stay tuned!

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