The Bachelorette Recap for 12/8/2020: Love, Lies and Roses
Originally posted on December 8, 2020 @ 10:23 pm
Tonight’s episode of ABC’s The Bachelorette continues with the two on one date with Bennett and Noah. Tayshia talks to the both of them, trying to decide which one to keep and get to the bottom of their feud. However, the two of them keep picking on each other, causing even more tension.
At the end of the date, Bennett is sent home, saying he is shocked and still defending himself. He says this was working for him and he never questioned what they had. Tayshia says sorry and he tells her he hopes she finds what she is looking for.
However, Hoah doesn’t get a rose either because she is still upset over the fact that she had to sit them down and talk to them over their drama. She decides to keep him, but he is still upset and blames Bennett.
As Noah sits, thinking about what he did and drinking red wine in white pants, the others come and realize what happened. Noah explains everything and shows them the gift he got from Bennett. The feelings on him staying are mixed, but no one thinks about it much more because it is time to continue the cocktail party. Tayshia mingles with the guys, continuing to get to know them. There is an anniversary cake, pictures and kissing.
Rose ceremony:
Bennett is already gone. Zac and Ben already have roses.
Brendan (sweet, adorkable guy)
Riley (hot lawyer)
Blake (Dude who broke rules for Clare)
Ivan (Guy she had a groundbreaking date with)
Noah (Dude who had drama with Bennett)
Ed, Demar and Spencer are eliminated.
Date card! Ben is on the first one on one date of the week. He seems very emotional and I wonder what his date is going to reveal. Their date is a scavenger hunt with pinatas, scooters and going into the water. It seems to be going okay, but then she begins questioning him about why he hasn’t opened up more. She is even considering not giving him a rose. I thought he was one of the most open guys, but that is just me.
At dinner, they have a toast. He finally opens up about his fear of being vulnerable, being in the military, feeling unloved as a child and how his sister saved his life when he attempted suicide twice. He also broke his back when in the Army, which led to him being in a dark place. It allows Tayshia to see him on a whole new level and that he trusts her, so he gets a rose.
Their night ends with a private concert by Adam Hambrick.
Date 2: Zac, Brendan, Ivan, Noah and Riley are on this date, which means Blake has the one on one. Zac is a bit bummed he has a group date because he wanted more time alone with her before the hometowns.
The date consists of a lie detector test, which Tayshia also takes. She is a bit concerned that Brendan lied and Zac cheated in the past. Riley says these tests aren’t always accurate and proves it when he says his name and he says it is a lie.
Afterward, she talks to Zac about the cheating and it turns out it happened in sixth grade. She laughs and they kiss. She then continues to talk to the other guys about their results and it actually opens up a lot of conversations. Riley says he has to tell her about his family life and why he changed his name. He talks about his relationship with his father and how it caused him to miss time with his mom. This is why he changed his name.
After she talks to the rest of the men about the lie detector revelations, Tayshia thanks them for opening up, but says she is not ready to give out a rose just yet.
When they get back, Bennett is waiting for her, wanting to talk. He apologizes to her for how he acted and says he is in love with her. She is confused and says she needs to think about things before coming to a decision. We will find out what happens next week. Stay tuned.