The Bachelorette Recap for 11/17/2020: Tayshia’s First Rose Ceremony
Originally posted on November 17, 2020 @ 10:20 pm
Tayshia Adams continues her journey tonight on ABC’s The Bachelorette. Last week, she had one group date and a one on one date with Brendan, but decided to hold off on the rose ceremony so she could get to know the other men better.
Everyone who was not on a date last week is on this date. Ashley I and Jared, who met on Bachelorette and later got married, put the guys through a series of tests to see who is a grown ass man and who is a man child.
Part one: Math and spelling. Bennett thinks he has it in the bag because he went to Harvard, but he ends up royally failing. He gets ribbed for this, of course.
Part two: Dueling for a bouquet of flowers. Bennett has to sit out, making the other guys, as well as Tayshia, question his skills.
Part three: Breakfast in bed: Each guy makes her a special breakfast, which puts Bennett back in the running due to making donuts and acting more intimate.
Ed wins the man child award and has to carry around a doll for the rest of the day. He has fun with it and names the baby Carlos.
Bennett wins the grown ass man award. The guys find him annoying because of his bragging about Harvard and wearing a robe in front of everyone.
The guys bother Bennett at the cocktail party because he won the competition and didn’t compete in part two. They are also annoyed with the fact that he is still in his robe. Tayshia, however, is not bothered by it.
Tayshia mingles with the guys to get to know them better. Chasen talks about becoming an uncle and never being in love, while Ben talks about being hurt by a woman he loved. They also share a kiss, which makes her feel like she is in trouble.
Ivan also feeds her strawberries and kisses her.
Bennett wonders if the guys are as fired up for Tayshia as he is, implying that Chasen may not be as into her. He promises to be her Wolverine and then attacks Ed for losing the competition. I guess because Ed initially brought the topic up to Bennett?
Ed then goes to Tayshia and tells her about Chasen using the same lines on Tayshia that he used on Clare and for making fun of his chicken legs. Later on, this causes a fight between the two guys, which becomes worse when Tayshia talks to Chasen about it. Ed accuses Chasen of acting like he is in a Zac Efron movie and tells him to get out with his medium shirts. Chasen sassily says he is in a size large shirt.
Tayshia comes back to give Ivan the group date rose.
Chasen tattles on Ed during the cocktail party. He gives Ed a chance to talk, but it seems like the drama is not over.
Tayshia mingles some more with the guys. She gets a fake trip to Paris, ice pops and a lot of kissing.
Ed tells Tayshia that Chasen almost punched him, causing Tayshia to question Chasen’s behavior. The other guys make fun of the two sides of Chasen.
Tayshia takes Chasen aside to get his side of the story, while the guys ask Ed why he brought up the drama again. Tayshia thinks the situation is concerning, but doesn’t send him home. This leads to Chasen to try and apologize, but Ed isn’t having any of it.
Tayshia is bonding with the rest of the guys when Chris comes in to tell them it it time for the rose ceremony. Ivan, Brendan, Spencer and Eazy all have roses already.
Zac (no clue)
Riley (hot lawyer)
Kenny (boy band dude)
Ben (sweet guy she seems smitten with)
Demar (salmon jacket dude)
Bennett (Harvard dude)
Spencer (Wait, I thought he had the first impression rose)
Jordan (no clue)
Noah (new guy)
Joe (hot doctor)
Blake (sweet guy)
Ed (man child with toy baby)
Final rose tonight:
Chasen (thinks he is Wolverine)
Montel (new guy)
Peter (no idea)
Jay (no clue)
Eazy, Brendan, Joe, Jordan, Spencer, Ben, Ed and Chasen are on the next group date. Their clue is ‘I am looking for my perfect match.’ Of course, everyone thinks there will be fireworks and dramatic events on this date.
This date is a wrestling date because of course it is. Former WWE star Amy Durmas and former UFC fighter Tatiana Suarez are in charge of this date and train the guys. Joe seems to have fun with it, but Chasen still seems to have it out for Ed.
Chris Harrison says that they will face off in a wrestling match and the winner gets time with Tayshia. The guys practice and oil up before performing.
Eazy vs. Joe: Winner is Eazy
Brendan vs. Jordan: Winner is Jordan
Spencer vs. Ben: Winner Draw…but Ben is hurt
Chasen vs. Ed: Ed steps out due to having bad shoulders, so Noah randomly comes in to fight even though he isn’t even on the date. Winner is Chasen.
Chasen ends up winning the whole thing. The guys on the date head to the after party, but Tayshia says that Noah can join them due to jumping into the ring. The other guys aren’t too happy about this, especially when he is the first to get one on one time.
She admits she has heart eyes for Brendan and that he might be the one she can end up with at the end.
The other guys wonder where Noah went since he has been gone for an hour. They don’t think he was sent home, but can’t figure out where he could be….maybe he is pooping, guys!
It turns out he is getting rid of his mustache, making him look younger and sweeter. He also gets the group date rose, causing him to be public enemy #1.
More next week, stay tuned.