NIGHT COURT -- "A Little Night Court Music" Episode 314 -- Pictured: John Larroquette as Dan Fielding -- (Photo by: Nicole Weingart/NBC)
Night Court Recap for A Little Night Court Music
Night Court opens with Dan coming into the courtroom in a huff. Gurgs removes an eyelash from his eye and tells him to make a wish. He tells her to kill him.
Abby and Wyatt talk about Dan being upset about his memoir being rejected from every publisher in town. Flobert talks about being his agent and gets a call from another saying that the book was incredibly bad.
Dan moves on to work on a case with a man who is being charged for public indecency, namely reading smut to his visually impaired friend named Sy Hoffman.
Sy talks about his glaucoma and says he is making his story into a musical and begins to sing while Abby comments how Grease was almost called Lube.
Dan is still pouting and complaining to Abby when Sy tells him that he can make his memoir into a musical. Dan does not like this idea and threatens to tie bricks to his feet and jump into a river. Sy tells him this won’t work.
In the cafeteria, Wyatt comments about the expired coffee creamer when he sees Julianne mooning over Sy. It turns out they used to date, and she tells Wyatt about the relationship. He tries to understand, but she goes to the morgue to cool off.
Later on, the gang tries to convince Dan to make his memoir into a musical. Abby tells him he should ask for full creative control. He finally agrees, even though Abby tells him they need to come up with an opening number.
Flobert wants to know what the memoir is about. Dan says he should know since he is his agent.
Flobert tries to come up with an opening number which Dan hates and everyone else loves. Abby then takes over and wants to focus on him winning his first case. Wyatt loves this idea and adds his own ideas, while Gurgs comes up with a song. A man named Hudson is there to help, but mostly snarks on the ideas.
Back in the cafeteria, Sy puts soup in a soda cup and tells a random woman that the cashier will just ring it up as a drink. Meanwhile, Wyatt helps Julianne stop mooning over Sy by having her hide behind Dan’s manuscript.
Sy and Abby argue over the direction of the musical, which he thinks should be focused on her as a female judge. He says if he doesn’t do it his way, the musical goes away….and begins singing a new song. Abby hates how much she loves it.
Abby presides over a choir who got into a fight. They keep fighting in the courtroom, so Dan and Julianne put a stop to it while Abby sentences them.
Abby goes to talk to Dan, who has a guy named Roland shadowing him since he is playing Dan. She tells him Sy’s idea about making the focus on her and he has a fit, ready to call it quits.
Later on, he tells Julianne about the situation, so she tells him that she loves the book, but he should focus on his third act….coming back and working with his old boss’s daughter.
Abby talks to Dan about it and says the show is back on with a new idea. They go to talk to Sy, who gets slapped by a woman named Mrs. Sinclair, who is mad that her granddaughter is no longer the lead since this show is an ensemble per Dan’s request.
Sy pulls the plug, which is okay with Dan, since the gang is going to do everything themselves.
It is showtime! Gurgs opens with a song about Night Court, with everyone joining in, explaining how it all works. Dan then does a solo about his life story, with everyone else singing about their roles in court and how they are better together.
Dan says he should have done this sooner, while Sy says it was trash, but offers Ms. Sinclair 60% for the show. Hudson says he is under arrest since he committed fraud with how he sold the play. Sy tries to cover by explaining his actions, which is basically the plot of The Producers.
Julianne says he is the worst but wants to know when he gets out of jail.
The episode ends with Dan saying he will continue to write his story and add in Abby, since it won’t be complete without her.