Matlock Recap for Game Face
Matlock Recap for Game Face
-Edwin and Bitsy want to help Matty with her issues with Olympia, while Matty herself wants to find the Redditor who claims to have information on the Wellbrexa case. Meanwhile, Edwin wants Bitsy to make custard.
-Matty wants to get revenge on Olympia for her role in the Wellbrexa debacle. It seems like she is going to take her down while still pretending to be her friend….keep your friends close and your enemies closer kind of deal.
-I honestly don’t think Olympia did this….it seems too obvious to have any of the three suspects involved. Shae may be involved, but I can’t figure out her motive.
-The Slamm’d case is still on even without a plaintiff. Olympia is thrilled, while Matty pretends to be happy and on her side.
-The plan is to get Violet’s mom Lydia to talk about her daughter’s death and Matty is responsible for getting her to agree.
-Elijah is being pulled from the case due to too many resources being used.
-Alfie has a crush on a new girl named Molly and Bitsy thinks that this is going to be a distraction since he wants to ask her to go to the dance….complete with a cupcake and outfit picked out by Bitsy.
-Edwin is a distraction for Matty so Bitsy doesn’t figure out what is happening.
-Julian making Olympia sign divorce papers in the midst of the case is a choice….good on her for declining and keeping her eyes on the prize.
-Who wants to bet that the ice cream place Julian wants to take the twins to is the same one Matty and Alfie go to on the weekends.
-Hearing Lydia talk about Violet’s death is heartbreaking.
-Whoa….Bitsy showing up in court was so not on my bingo card.
-Sarah is shocked that Simone got Olympia’s old office because Julian and/or Senior want to make more space for their team.
-Olympia is upset because Matty seemed distracted during her questioning.
-Billy found someone who could help with their case….someone who was at one of the abandoned house parties. Olympia has him run with it as she continues to work on the case by questioning the marketing people on their subliminal advertising with slogans and their cartoon character slogan.
-Bitsy teaching Alfie how to dance and impress Molly is actually adorable and sweet.
-Bitsy is not happy with seeing Matty in court channeling her, so she plans on leaving after the dance.
-Edwin discovered that the Redditor works at the firm…..dun, dun, dun. He made a list of everyone who was there then and still there…..including Shae. She wants to use subliminal advertising to see what she knows.
-Belvin and Sarah are trying to take down Simone….but Sarah wants Billy to use his relationship with her to find out what she is up to.
-Sarah and Billy question DJ Flexmaster about the Slamm’d party. He has swag, a Venmo name and a barcode….but none of it is helpful….except the beta versions of Slamm’d that were used at the prelaunch parties.
-The mascot and language of the warning on the can are changed…..which can be helpful with discovery. There has to be a study when something is changed, which is helpful for them and Edwin and Matty’s case.
-Senior tells Olympia that Slamm’d made them an offer that can make them break even and the drink on the market. He wants her to sign on this offer. She is not happy about this, but he wants her to do what is best for the firm.
-Kennedy is going on the stand and tells Sarah and Billy to keep looking for connections between Slamm’d and the parties.
-Billy learns Simone is working on a case that could get the firm a lot of money. This can cause more problems for Olympia.
-Billy discovers the Venmo name is connected with VistaPoint….which can work in their favor, if they can get the proper missing paperwork. However, this stresses Olympia out and causes her to fight with Matty and send her home.
-Matty apologizes to Bitsy and admits that she wishes she could be more like her. They have a heart to heart and make up.
-Matty admits that she thought Olympia was a real friend and cries about the thought of losing their friendship.
-Shae apologizes to Olympia for the affair. They agree to move forward.
-There is a mad dash to look for the missing Slamm’d paperwork, while Matty and Edwin look for the missing Wellbrexa paperwork and who is connected to the Reddit account. They both hit pay dirt at the same time….the former finding out that there was a kids drink in the works and the latter finding out that the medicine had a do not crush warning, neither of which was released.
-Matty reaches out to the Redditor to lure them out of hiding.
-Alfie looks all grown up for the dance!
-Matty asks Bitsy to be Alfie’s guardian if something happened to her.
-Olympia uses her research to her advantage in court, including the beta can vs. the Slamm’d can and the kids drink focus group….which helped choose which tiger would be used on the can….which Olympia says was to get kids to drink Slamm’d.
-Olympia gets a 40-million-dollar settlement!
-Matty and Olympia talk things out and make up.
-Julian and Olympia toast to their amicable divorce and family.
-Matty sees Belvin….who is our friend the Redditor. She was able to lure her out by using her love of Barry Manilow in her message.