Unsolved Mysteries Case 5: Berkshires UFO
Originally posted on July 2, 2020 @ 11:44 pm
The episode opens with a woman talking about how her two sons saw a UFO and how their grandma didn’t believe them and not to tell their mom. She also saw it and also decided to keep quiet until the show contacted them to film.
Jane is the woman who was talking in the beginning and talks about how she grew up in the town and how her family was famous due to their business. She discusses her growing up years and life in the 60s.
Thom also discusses his life in the town, as does his mother Nancy. Several other townspeople discuss growing up in the town in that time period. They all agree they were a part of something weird.
September 1, 1969….the day Jane says she saw the UFO with a friend. She says it is something she will never forget because it was so weird.
The Warners also recall their sighting of it and how scared they were. Tom recalls coloring that night and how when he was told to go home he ended up running in place and being gone and brought to another property. He recalls seeing Melanie, who does not recall seeing him.
Melanie recalls getting ice cream that night and how she saw it while in the car with her parents. Her dad wanted to chase it, while her mom thought it was a shooting star, but has no other memory. Melanie recalls levitating and being on a ship and left alone somewhere.
Tom and Melanie recall having an immediate connection when meeting and wonder if it is because of this incident.
Thom recalls riding in a horse show that day and getting dinner after. He recalls going on Sheffield Bridge on the way home and seeing the light with his family, including his mom Nancy. His family all give different descriptions of the light. The last thing they remember is crickets and wildfire. They end up back in the car, dazed and confused. Later on, they remember a radio personality talking about it on the radio and realize what happened….and how many people saw it.
Jesse the radio manager at the time recalls getting the calls in and realizing it must be real because so many people had encounters. He regrets not saving the story, but says they didn’t do it back in the day. The police discuss small incidents, but nothing really substantial.
Gary, who is a historian says he researched this case, but not really coming up with anything either. He dismissed it as ‘hooey.’
Another man named Eddie talks about how his dad was the police chief at the time and how he got reports f the UFO. He says it was something they heard about, but did not see.
Tom says sometimes people talked about the incident, but most found it strange. He says a lot of people blamed it on overactive imaginations and such. He made a painting of the incident and says it was like therapy for him.
Melanie says she is glad her sister was with her and understands the experience. She says she also told her boyfriend at the time, but now he is deceased and she cannot.
Nancy also talks about strange experiences and how people treated her post-incident. Her family ended up leaving the area, which broke her heart.
Jane says she is glad other people saw it because people will believe her.
Eddie talks about a military report on the incident.
Melanie says this was a bad experience she would not make up, because…why would she?
Tom says there are a lot more people who know what is going on.
Each person gives one final reflection as the episode comes to a close.