Unsolved Mysteries Case 4: No Ride Home

Originally posted on July 2, 2020 @ 11:35 pm

The episode opens with a woman named Maria Ramirez saying she is mad and there is no trust as we see a missing persons poster for Alonzo Brooks. We then see her go into a house and talk about her five kids and how Alonzo is her baby. She often wears his jacket because it makes her feel close to him.

Maria’s sister in law Cindy Brooks agrees that Alonzo was Maria’s baby and that the two were very close. Maria shows a montage of pictures while Alonzo’s sister Demetria remembers him as a sweet, kind person who got along with everyone. His uncle Edward and sister Felicia echo the sentiments, while his friend Rodney remembers his fondness for beanies and the colors black and red. All the while, we get picture and video montages.

His brother Billy recalls their growing up years and how they would tease him and be tough on him. Maria also remembers him loving football and messing with his hair.

She recalls the day he disappeared and how he was going to a party with his friend Justin, who, along with another friend Daniel, recall that it was a spur of the moment plan to go. Tyler, who is another friend, remembers how they went as well. The three also share memories of how he was as a friend. 

Maria remembers him limping due to an ankle injury and the clothes he was wearing. Justin recalls giving him a ride to the party and not knowing where exactly they were going. The others remember it being in a small town in the middle of nowhere. 

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The party seemed like a typical country party to them and the friends all recall Alonzo having a blast. He seemed more outgoing to them and says it was fun despite being different than their usual parties. 

Everything seemed fine, until Alonzo got into a tussle with another guy. However, it seemed to be more or less settled when the guys (except Justin) decided to leave. Alonzo also stayed, so they said goodbye and he left. 

Justin went to go get cigarettes and ended up getting lost.He called to let Alonzo know and recall him talking smack in the background. 

Maria recalls someone calling for Alonzo and realizing he was missing. His friends were also notified he was missing. 

Rodney, who was Alonzo’s best friend, shares some of his own memories of him. He recalls finding out he was missing and going to the party with everyone, saying it was the first time he met those friends. Rodney talks about how Alonzo’s clothes and realizing something was wrong. 

The guys get into how the town was predominantly white and Rodney wonders how and why Alonzo was left behind. 

Maria went to report him missing, but says she was told she had to wait 48 hours. His siblings  recall getting the call he was missing. They recall looking for him and the beginning parts of the investigation.

Paul Filla, who was the county sheriff at the time discusses (off camera) how he had some information on the case and how there was negative contact at that time. The case was turned over to the KBI, which led to a more extensive search, with the FBI joining. At this point, it was speculated that he was the victim of a hate crime. 

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Bill Feller, who was a part of the search talks about how there was no body in the water, which wrapped up their part of the case. 

At this point, Maria is upset at Alonzo’s friends for leaving him as they all recall the seemingly lack of care in the investigation.The family called the investigators daily, but were eventually told to stop. They eventually began searching on their own. Many volunteers joined them, eventually finding him by a creek. His family recalls the moment he was found and the heartbreak that followed.

His cause of death was undetermined. His friends and family are convinced it is foul play due to his hat and shoes being strewn all over. They share their speculation and discuss rumors of what could of happened due to there being drinking involved and a possible tussle over a girl. His friends believe he got jumped. 

The investigators claim the body was not there when they looked there initially, leading to more speculation as to how it got there. Maria also points out that everything on him was still intact. She then says she cannot do any more. 

His brother believes the body was placed there and is suspicious of what happened. He has his own ideas on what could have happened and see message boards of rumored theories, including his body being frozen. The investigators still have no answers, while his family wonders why and wish they had answers.

His friends regret leaving him and wish they could have been there to defend him. Everyone misses him and wishes they were back together.

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In 2019, a letter from the KBI said Alonzo was the victim of a crime and the case is closed, which upsets his family because there is no real result. Everyone agrees this is not okay and think that there is more to the story. 

The episode end with Maria in church praying for answers. 

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