The Real Housewives Beverly Hills Recap for 2/18/2025
The Real Housewives Beverly Hills Recap for 2/18/2025
-Sutton not wanting to leave her mom is so sweet. However, Reba saying she will miss only some of them is very telling.
-Kyle not wanting to go home to an empty house makes me so sad.
-Reba saying ‘I love you’ to Sutton is probably the sweetest thing we have seen on the show in a long time.
-Boz and her cousin Tina look so much alike.
-I am happy for Boz in this fertility journey, but it will be so heartbreaking if it doesn’t work out. That being said, I am not sure if she is doing this because she wants to or because she wants to make Keely happy.
-I had no idea Boz lost a child, that is so heartbreaking….I can’t even imagine that kind of pain.
-Kyle stamping her foot at the weather report is such a mood. I feel the same way in this cold and ice.
-Dorit is trying her best to make things happy at her 4th of July party without PK. I feel so had for her.
-Sutton comes in and sees Dorit isn’t there to greet her, while Dorit is upstairs getting ready and worrying about not meeting people. Also, Sutton should have texted Dorit and been like ‘yo, I’m here.’
-Kyle is there and self-conscious about her lack of a spray tan.
-Dorit ignoring Sutton and greeting other guests is rude. I would have left if I were Sutton.
-Why did Dorit take Sutton’s bag and say she should give it to her? All because she was mad at her? WTF?
-Is Sutton calling Dorit a bitch over watermelon and alcohol? WTF is happening in this episode?
-I love Sutton, but it was wrong of her to call Dorit a bitch in her own home.
-I would have left a long time ago if I were Sutton.
-Dorit is in rare form tonight. She’s mad that Garcelle and Kyle went after Sutton and calling her names?
-Why are Kyle and Garcelle telling Sutton that Dorit was joking? Even if she was, Sutton was hurt and didn’t find it funny.
-Now Kyle is mad Sutton is leaving because Sutton got mad Kyle left Boz’s party.
-Dorit is saying that Sutton is upset over the joke because she has a bigger issue? Again, WTF?
-Everyone is randomly coming in to talk to Sutton and Dorit is getting angrier.
-Boz isn’t really defending Dorit, she just wants people to not be rude to her in her home.
-Sutton leaves and says she is tired of being Dorit’s punching bag.
-The food at this party looks so delicious. I know it is simple BBQ food, but it still looks amazing.
-I love how the ladies are debating the Sutton/Dorit fight and Kathy has her fan out and in her own world. She finally says they aren’t mean girls.
-Now Garcelle is calling Boz out for calling them rude and defending Dorit. Boz thinks that she is checking them, which is real sisterhood.
-Erika also calls Garcelle out for being Team Sutton.
-Kyle thinks she has a good connection with Boz, but Boz thinks the opposite. Now Kyle is hurt. Boz explains they haven’t really connected on a deeper level and aren’t vibing together.
-I don’t know why Boz and Kyle are fighting. Nothing in this episode makes sense. Now Dorit is in on it, making less sense.
-Erika sitting there eating her hot dog and getting sloshed is such a Mary Cosby mood. I am here for it and would probably do the same thing.
-I have no idea why Kyle and Dorit are suddenly fighting again.
-Now they are friends again. I can’t with these women.
-Kathy not knowing how to say mountains out of molehills is adorable. I want to be her BFF.
-Kyle seeing Dorit’s house such a mess makes her realize she is really struggling. I am glad they got over the fight and can now have a heart to heart.
-Maurico was with a mystery woman in Greece! Everyone calls Kyle to check on her.
-More next week, stay tuned.