Shifting Gears Recap for 2/7/2025
Shifting Gears Recap for 2/7/2025
-Riley, Carter and Georgia debate over traffic laws when Matt makes Carter get a wrench. There is a car in there for him, which Carter calls a ‘crappy old car.’ Matt promises to make it his dream car and after a big back and forth Carter appreciates it and hugs him.
-Georgia tells him that she wants an Amazon gift card.
-The doorbell rings and Matt jokes that it could be a polite home invader. It turns out to be Jimmy, Riley’s ex-husband and father of Carter and Georgia. Matt is not happy, causing a lot of tension, even though the kids are happy to see him. Riley is also upset that he is there.
-Jimmy gives everyone crappy gifts, causing more snark from Matt.
-The kids take Jimmy to see Carter’s car. Riley tells Matt to chill. She thinks that now he is here he can sign the divorce papers, but lets him stay when Georgia begs. Matt tells him to leave by 5am.
-Riley and Jimmy fight the next morning. She wants a divorce, but he gives her a song he wrote to make it up to her. She doesn’t want to do this dance again but is turned on because he smells so good.
-Riley lets Georgia miss school to go out with Jimmy, while Carter opts to go to school. She then goes to the shop to bring coffee to Stitch and Gabriel so they can bitch….or at least her. She shows them the song and Stitch says she is in danger since he read two lines and thinks he got pregnant.
-Later that day, Matt and Carter plan on the car remodel. They talk about Jimmy and Carter admits he wishes his dad were more like Matt.
-Georgia comes home and is thrilled with the day she had with Jimmy. Carter doesn’t seem interested in talking to Jimmy, leading to Matt to have a little chat with Jimmy.
-Matt tells him that he needs to step up and be a father to Carter. They yell at each other and Jimmy admits he wants to win his family back, leading to more fighting. Riley asks if she needs to call the cops. Matt says no, Jimmy says stand by.
-The next morning, Stitch and Gabriel give her coffee….and she is surprised that Gabriel got her correct order and that he listened. She is upset that Jimmy ghosted her again.
-Jimmy goes to the shop and admits that he needs to be a better dad. He promises to get a real job after the tour and move closer to them. She says they will talk about it when he gets back.
-Riley tells Matt that Jimmy is putting his family first once the tour is over. She thinks the talk they had helped and admits she isn’t ready to have him sign the divorce papers. Matt understands and they hug.
-Matt and Carter work on the car some more and talk about how Carter and Jimmy are talking some more.
-Matt joins the coffee club and rants about random stuff, causing everyone to go back to work.
-More next week, stay tuned.