Music Spotlight: Keri Wirth
Originally posted on June 25, 2020 @ 5:12 pm
I had recently completed a dance album that was being considered by Sony, Interscope and Octone records. I was advised to build an audience and I wasn’t motivated to travel around selling my music because I had severe stage fright.
Being a parent to two wonderful children. Believing in myself enough to follow my creative dream and turn it into reality.One of my favorite quotes is from PT Barnum-
‘The most noblest art is that of making others happy’
This also is one of my greatest accomplishments.
-Who influences you as a writer/artist?
Disney- Alan Menkin
Bob Dylan
Vampire Weekend
Cyndi Lauper
Gwen Stefani
-Who are some people/companies you want to collaborate with?
-What’s next for you? Anything new and exciting in the works?
The social distancing environment has inspired me to create videos and content for Social Media. I miss interacting with everyone in person so I am trying to set the stage for home interaction in a way that my audience reacts well to. I am hoping fun recorded and live videos with my original songs might bridge the long distance gap between me and my little friends.
-Tell me a surprising, fun fact about yourself.
I played division 1 soccer at Cornell and was planning on becoming a doctor????
-What are you watching on TV these days?
The Handmaids Tale
Little Fires Everywhere
-Where can people learn more about you?
-Anything else you want to tell America?
Enjoy your families and have gratitude for each other. Never take love for granted❤️