Originally posted on July 2, 2020 @ 2:33 pm
TVGrapevine recently chatted with Serena DC of Hollywood Disclosure. Here are some of the highlights from our chat.
How would you describe Hollywood Disclosure?
I wanted to create a series where viewers and fans could see interviews with their favourite celebrities that were not focused on superficial gossip but instead on deep and inspiration stories about celebrities real lives. The hardships, break up’s, rock bottom moments that almost broke them but then went on to define who they are today. I find such beauty in honestly and realness and truth and I wanted to give viewers and opportuunity to see that everyone, even famous celebrities go through incredibly hard times but also have the ability to heal and to move forward with their lives and achieve great heights.
What attracted you to the project?
The show is about celebrities sharing their most life changing experiences and also the lessons that they have learned on how to overcome any obsticle life throws at them. This show is a gift to my viewers and to humanity. A little bit of light in the darkness of reality tv and tabloids. Our hope is that we can inspire viewers to do more, be more and love more of their lives. I am an empath so I feel other peoples feelings deeply. I feel the pain that ordinary people feel as they go through break ups, job loss, sickness and death. I see the human struggle. I want people to know that I made this show as a way of giving people out there who are in pain, a big fat cuddle.
In what ways do you prepare for each episode?
I actually dont like to prepare. The less I know the better so that when I ask the celebrities questions, I genuinely dont know the answers. I like hearing the stories for the first time and asking the first thing that pops into my head! ITs more real and more organic and i think the audience will really like that. I try not to ask too many questions when I interview people. I have a few ice breakers at the beginning of an interview but I always go into them believing that the person I am interviewing already has a story or two inside them that they want to get out. My skill lies in really deeply listening to them and giving them the space to dig deep into their memories and share their innermost thoughts and feelings.
What was it like interviewing such amazing people?
It is such a trip! haha… I mean I choose people I admire and people that I know have amazing stories to tell so I get serious goosebumps before I meet them. Normally when they walk through the door I have a few minutes of being totally star struck! Then I remember, oh wait, this is a real human and I try to connect with them in that way. Everyone was exciting in their own way but, between you and me… and the whole world, I was super excited to interview Colin Egglesfield because I have had a huge crush on him for ages! hahahaha… You should have seen me when he walked into the room. I was like a giggling teenager. So embarassing lol – We have become really close friends since the interview which has been such a gift to me. He is only of the major positive influence in my life. He is more like my brother though so no love connection there! haha
What were some challenges of doing the show?
OMG yes!!! This was the first series I was an executive producer on so there were so many dramas on set and ups and downs. One of the biggest challenges was timing. Making sure the crew were set up in time so that we didnt keep the celebrities waiting. I was constantly stressed! Hopefully people wont be able to see that in the first few minutes my interviews. lol
What are some of your favorite memories from working on the show?
Well Caitlyn and Corey were on my wish list from the moment the idea for the show came about. I had read both of their biographies and was so blown away with their stories of personal transformation. Both Corey and Caitlyn has been though so much pain in their lives. They have experienced massive highs and harrowing lows and are now living happy, authentic lives. I wanted to share their stories with the world to help people who are going through hard times know that this is hope and there can be an amazing life, after great loss. Caitlyn reaching over to hold my hand and encouraging me to keep living my dream was a big moment. She told me should was proud of me and i choked back a tear.
What else are you working on?
Well I have a reality show coming out in August called Dream Life which follows myself and my staff and friends as we make Hollywood Disclosure, open up The Love Academy (a new e-learning platform) and partake in the hollywood hustle. Its such a fun show! It premieres August 1 on Fyi too.
I am also in pre-production for a new doco-series called Love, Sex, Intelligence.
Tell me a fun fact about yourself.
People would describe me as a huge social butterfly but secretly, I love nothing more that curling up alone on the couch with a true crime novel and a bottle…. I mean glass, of wine, all on my own. I’m a closet loner.
What are you watching on TV these days?
I just finished The Witcher and I have the biggest crush ever on Henry Cavil!! But I love anything true crime or about space and ufo’s and aliens!
Anything else you want to share?
Tune in Saturday July 11 at 10.30am to watch the premier episode on FYI and for all the behind the scenes action follow myself and Hollywood Disclosure on Instagram – @iamserenadc @hollywooddisclosure