Celebrity Spotlight: THe Cowboy Way

Originally posted on July 22, 2020 @ 11:06 am

The cast of The Cowboy Way talks to TVGrapevine.
Tell me a bit about yourself and your career.

Cody Before the show, I raised cattle and competed in rodeos. After I met and married ​my wife, I wanted to build a company, so I set rodeo aside. I put the same work ethic ​into building my company that I did when I competed. Now with the show, my growing ​company and my family, I live a very blessed life.

Bubba I have always been into construction and the outdoors, and I now work as a full-​time carpenter, while also working with cattle in the afternoon. Being on The Cowboy Way has really brought awareness to my company and allowed my family to do what we ​love for a living. Family is my main priority, and I make sure to put them first.


Booger My family has always worked in ranching, so it has always been a part of my ​life. I started training horses around the time I was 12 years old, and now I get to travel ​the country with my horsemanship clinic and teach others how to train their horses. The ​show has been such a blessing. It has allowed my business to grow, and I’ve been ​fortunate to meet more people and connect them to horses.


How would you describe The Cowboy Way?

Cody- I’d say it’s the best show on television!

Bubba It’s a show about modern-day cowboys that work hard and keep up the Cowboy ​Code as best as we can. It gives insight into the agricultural lifestyle and is a clean, ​wholesome show the whole family can enjoy.

What attracted you to the show?

Bubba- It was something we could all experience and enjoy together, and it really ​aligned with our personalities. It was a win-win situation!

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Cody In a word: INSP. They play shows that can be enjoyed by families, and that is important to me, so, to be on a show on that network is exciting! 

Booger I love that we get to portray what we do every day for a living. Most people ​think they know what the life of a cowboy is like, and now we get to give them an inside ​look.

What is it like working with such a great cast?

Cody/Bubba/Booger- We may bump heads occasionally, but at the end of the day we ​always make it work. We are always so encouraged when viewers reach out to us telling ​us how the show has helped them through a difficult time. It makes it all worth it.

What are some challenges of filming the show?

Booger There are so many moving parts, and it’s challenging to get the animals, ​cowboys and production team all on the same page. It can be very exhausting; it’s ​certainly not for the weak of heart.

Bubba We don’t get to stop working after we wrap. When the crew finishes filming, ​they get to go home, but we still have to put all the animals up and finish up the jobs we ​weren’t able to get to during filming. Then we have to wake up and do it all over again.

What are some of your favorite memories from set?

Cody It’s a behind-the-scenes moment, but one of my favorite memories was when one ​crew member was almost run over by a cow. The cow never hit him, but he threw his ​equipment in the air and screamed, and we couldn’t stop laughing! I also love when we ​get to travel for the show. We always find a really good steakhouse and relax together ​after filming. It’s one of the best parts of filming.

What else are you working on?

Cody My wife and I currently have a fencing company and are focusing on that ​endeavor. We are also preparing to move into our new house that we started building ​last September.

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Bubba I’m currently working on a construction project in North Alabama, and my wife ​and I recently purchased land for her expanding clothing boutique.

Booger I’ve been busy preparing for the next chapter and expansion of my ​horsemanship clinics.


 Tell me a fun fact about yourself.

Cody- I can speak Greek.

Bubba I hate tuna and sardines.

Booger A few years back there was a Big Foot sighting in Alabama, but it was really ​just me and my friends joking around.

What are you watching on TV these days?

Booger The Cowboy Way!

Cody Gunsmoke and Paw Patrol with my son.

Bubba How It’s Made and any show about science or animals.

Anything else you want to share?

Cody Ten years ago I never would’ve imagined being part of a TV show for 7 seasons! ​We’ve filmed 7 seasons in 3-4 years, and the show continues to grow every year. It is an ​honor to be a part of the show.

​We continue to get messages from kids all over that want to get started in agriculture, ​and it’s an honor to encourage them on their journey.

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