Baby Sitters Club Episode 9: Hello, Camp Moosehead Part 1
Originally posted on July 4, 2020 @ 7:36 pm
The episode begins with Kristy narrating that school is out, summer is here and they are ready for adventures at Camp Moosehead. They get off the bus and Dawn says that her circulatory system would never recover if she had to be on the bus for five more minutes.
Claudia puts on new glasses that Stacey approves of, but Kristy says makes her look like a bug. She then wonders why she is wearing them in the rain. However, she is glad they are all together. Claudia says everything around her will inspire her, so it will be kind of like an art camp.
They begin to chant Moosehead when the director comes up with them and questions them about knowing the song. Kristy said they practiced on the bus and memorized the pamphlet. The director asks if they are the Stoneybrook girls and they confirm that they are.
They then get their camp assignments: Kristy and Stacey are Bluebirds, Dawn and Claudia are Cardinals and Mary Anne is a Meadowlark. She is sad about being alone while her friends are together.
Kristy goes to talk to the counselor, whose name is Philomena Means, or Meany. Kristy says they are the BSC and wanted to be together for the morale of the club. Claudia says she made sacrifices to be here.
Meany says the changes is good for them and won’t listen to Kristy’s pleas to put them together or make them CITs. She says it is summer and to enjoy it. As she walks away, Kristy asks if she can be president of her cabin.
The girls go to their cabins. Dawn and Claudia realize they never spent time together just the two of them and that this is their chance. However, they realize they may not have much in common when Dawn says she wants to talk about social issues via morning announcements and Claudia realizes her high heels may not work at camp.
Meanwhile, Karen tries to scare Mary Anne with stories about snakes and poisonous moths.She goes on to tell more scary stories she heard from Watson, only scare Mary Anne even more.Karen skips off as Mary Anne goes into her cabin, where she puts up a Hamilton poster.
The cabin mates are gossiping and giving her dirty looks when another girl walks in, noticing her poster. She says she saw the show several times and that her dad is a producer. She realizes she is bragging and says she is from NY, where everyone is a bartender or producer. Mary Anne is about to ask if she knows Stacey, but says probably not since the city is so massive. She apologizes for being nervous and the girl tells her not to worry because Streisand had stage fright for 20 years.
Mary Anne is impressed with her and her love for theatre. The girl says she usually goes to theatre camp, but since her mom was so busy with her Como trip, they gave her spot away and she went here instead.
Mary Anne suggests they do a show here, despite the curse that Karen told her about possibly getting in the way. The girl asks what score because if it is Cats, she won’t blame him.
Kristy is in her own cabin, worrying about Mary Anne. However, she thinks Karen and David Michael will be fine. She asks Stacey what her goals are and she says they are to sleep, so they go to bed.
The next day, Dawn asks to do the morning announcements. Meany tells her she is hired because she volunteers and speaks in full sentences. She says stick to what they tell her to say. Dawn asks if she can add her own twist and Meany tells her more news than twist.
Mary Anne and her cabin mate walk in to ask about putting on a show. Meany tells them a leg, but not literally (they cannot afford another lawsuit)and that sign up sheets are in the cabinet.
Later on, Kristy is helping some kids play archery. She whistles for them to get into two lines and tells them to hiss like a snake or roar like a lion, depending on whether or not the target was hit. Meany sees her and tells her to go watch TV like a normal person, because one day she will regret all the TV she didn’t watch. She argues, but everyone walks away from her.
At arts and crafts, Claudia and Dawn bond over making God’s eyes when the counselor says that tie dying is tomorrow and they can buy supplies from the commissary.One of the kids says she has no money and the counselor smirks and tells. Her she cannot tie dye then, but can assist or draw, upsetting her, Claudia and Dawn.
Mary Anne and her cabin mate check out the theater, excited to be there and begin preparations for Paris Magic, which is about a girl traveling in the French Revolution. They think campers will die to be a part of this when a light falls. They think it is a coincidence, not a curse, but agree not to use the word die again.
Dawn comes over the PA for the morning announcements. She begins talking about the play auditions, but ends up going off on a tangent, upsetting Meany. She ends up reading them properly.
Mary Anne and her cabin mate, who we now know as Laine Cummings, hold auditions. Mary Anne gets nervous when she sees Logan and gets upset when she loses her clipboard. Mallory finds it for her and becomes Mary Anne’s assistant.
Several people audition, including Karen, David Michael, Logan and Jessi, whom Mallory says is her very best friend. Jessi is the choreographer.
Stacey goes to audition when she sees Laine, who was the girl who posted the insulin shock video. Stacey runs away with Mary Anne chasing after her. Stacey explains who she is and how they are no longer friends. Mary Anne offers to not work with her, but Stacey says it is fine and she will still audition. Mary Anne tells her to use her feelings for Laine in the audition and they hug it out.
At lunch, Claudia and Dawn discuss how it is unfair that some activities cost extra money and how not everyone can afford it. They decide to do something about it.
Laine posts the cast list and runs into Stacey. Laine says maybe this is destiny. Stacey says their moms probably saw the same Facebook ad, but agrees to be professional.
At the arts and crafts booth, everyone is tie dying, except for the lone girl who cannot pay for it. Claudia tells her to meet her at 3pm on Friday….and to follow the arrows to get there.
Dawn makes more announcements in order to bring more awareness to the issue of people not being able to afford activities, only to once again be stopped by Meany. she continues with her regular announcements.
At the rehearsal, Mary Anne and Laine watch Stacey and Logan together on stage with Jessi helping with choreography. There is supposed to be a kissing scene, but Mary Anne, who happens to like Logan, says to pretend to keep it fresh.
Logan comes up to her and asks how he did. She says it is coming along and that he has raw talent. He says that means a lot coming from her.
Mallory brings Mary Anne tea. Mary Anne tells Logan to stretch because he is about to go on again. Stacey and Laine think he likes her and try to set something up.
At that moment, a prop falls and Karen says it is the curse coming for them. Adam tells David Michael Karen is weird and he says she is just his stepsister.
Claudia sets up the arrows for the secret meeting, while Meany spots Kristy making comments to a camper and tells her to relax.
Dawn makes more announcements and then goes to help Claudia. The two get several campers together to do some free art projects. They gather some materials outside and make some art, only to get in trouble with the art counselor and Meany. Claudia argues no one can afford the counselor’s inexpert tie dye classes and is told that she cannot do outside classes. Dawn and Claudia keep trying to argue, with Claudia refusing to go to arts and crafts. She is banished to her cabin with everyone telling her to be strong.
Kristy tries to figure out what happened, but the art counselor tells her to mind her own business before she is also punished.
At play rehearsal, Stacey is struggling with her lines and blocking. Laine tries to direct her, but the girls get into a huge fight. Karen blames the curse. Mallory says a bad rehearsal will mean a great opening night. Jessi says that is a myth.
Stacey storms out with Laine following. She tells her that she forwarded her insulin shock video, which Laine denies. Stacey says that even so, she was not much of a friend and that she has real friends now. She storms off, only to fall. Laine tries to help her up, but Stacey pulls her down into poison ivy and leaves her.
That night, Kristy tells Stacey that this is not the summer she envisioned. She thinks Stacey is a sleeping and goes to cheek on her, only to scream about her face, signaling the end of the episode.
At play rehearsal, Stacey is struggling with her lines and blocking. Laine tries to direct her, but the girls get into a huge fight. Karen blames the curse. Mallory says a bad rehearsal will mean a great opening night. Jessi says that is a myth.
Stacey storms out with Laine following. She tells her that she forwarded her insulin shock video, which Laine denies. Stacey says that even so, she was not much of a friend and that she has real friends now. She storms off, only to fall. Laine tries to help her up, but Stacey pulls her down into poison ivy and leaves her.
That night, Kristy tells Stacey that this is not the summer she envisioned. She thinks Stacey is a sleeping and goes to cheek on her, only to scream about her face, signaling the end of the episode.