SHIFTING GEARS - ÒGriefÓ - When Riley discovers a closet filled with her late motherÕs clothes, she insists Matt hasnÕt processed her death and urges him to see a grief counselor. Meanwhile, Gabriel faces a crisis of confidence when heÕs put in charge of the shop for a day. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 29 (8:00-8:30 p.m. EST) on ABC. (Disney/Raymond Liu) TIM ALLEN, BARRETT MARGOLIS
Shifting Gears Recap for 1/29/2025
-Riley, Matt and Carter play with a robot Carter made for one of his school clubs. Riley is proud of him for his work, leading to her and Matt making fun of Riley’s teenage years.
-Georgia went into Matt’s late wife’s closet and played dress up with her clothes. This leads to Matt yelling at her and Riley trying to talk to him about holding onto her things. He deflects by yelling at her for sitting on his bed.
-Riley tries to talk to Gabriel about Matt’s grief. He and Stitch say he was quiet and nice the day after she died, which was out of character. She goes to talk to Matt, but he says he is fine and doesn’t need to announce his feelings like people did on the ‘gram.
-The two of them go back and forth and she finally gets him to agree to go to therapy. He says it is because he doesn’t like how he yelled at Georgia.
-Riley tells everyone that Matt is going to therapy and he tells Gabriel he is in charge. They all have discussing what will happen when Matt is gone and how therapy will go.
-Riley and Matt meet with Emma the therapist, who is a student. Matt keeps snarking on her as Riley tells her he is a stereotypical boomer. She then leaves him alone. Matt also tries to leave, but Emma tells him that he is bailing and he realizes she is right.
-Gabriel brings donuts for everyone, but then freaks out when they realize the steering wheel was never delivered. He then debates on what to use with the ones they have, driving everyone crazy. He then takes the donuts and continues to have a meltdown.
-Riley listens to a meditation recording when Carter walks in, wanting to use her wine opener for his robot. She says that is her favorite kitchen appliance and he continues to argue with her,
-Matt comes home and begins to clean out his late wife’s closet, freaking out about her stuff being there and good people dying.
-Riley goes to yell at Emma for breaking Matt. She demands she fix him, but Emma wants Riley to deal with her own grief.
-Stitch is mad at Gabriel eating all the donuts and freaking out. Gabriel admits he hates being the boss because there is so much pressure. Stitch tells him he is ready to be a boss and Matt won’t live forever.
-Riley comes home and tells Matt about her own therapy session. She says Emma tells her that her grief won’t ever end and breaks down over her mom dying because she needs her more than anything. She and Matt begin to bond.
-Gabriel tells Stitch he is thinking about starting his own business when Matt walks in. He actually likes Gabriel’s logo sketch but says if he leaves, he is dead to him.
-Matt gives Georgia the jacket she tried on and she calls her look Rihanna meets Martha Stewart. Matt shares a story with her about how they went to a Seger concert where they got wasted and the fun time they had. They all say how much they miss her.
-Carter’s robot got hit by a car and they talk to him about grieving as the episode comes to a close.