Pet Safety Advice During Uncertain Times

Originally posted on March 23, 2020 @ 11:57 am

During this global pandemic, many pet parents are finding themselves quarantined at home with their four-legged family members and facing related challenges they never imagined possible. More than 80 million American households are home to at least one feline or canine family member. RestoraPet, a pet health supplement that restores wellness in older pets experiencing age-related decline and boosts the health and well-being of younger pets, compiled 10 tips for pet parents to help them navigate these challenging times, to ensure both pets and their parents stay healthy.

“Pets are truly an essential part of the family for millions of Americans, and we want to ensure the entire family stays healthy during this time—both mentally and physically,” says RestoraPet CEO Brian Larsen. “Pet parents everywhere can take these steps to ensure their pet’s wellbeing, despite the levels of uncertainty in the world around us.”

RestoraPet’s 10 tips for caring for a pet during this time include:

  1. Ensure adequate pet-care supply – Pet owners should have enough food, supplements, medications, and any other pet-care products needed to last your pet at least two weeks and, ideally, four weeks.
  2. Have a contingency plan – Identify someone who can take care of your pet in the event you no longer can. Be sure to inform them of any special care your pet requires. When it comes to medication, make sure to provide specific and detailed directions about dosing and administration.
  3. Find indoor games to help pets exercise – There are several ways to engage pets physically and mentally while indoors. Consider playing keep away, getting pets to chase laser pointers, calling dogs back and forth through the house with treats, blowing bubbles for them to chase, playing hide and seek, or getting them puzzle toys. You can also encourage them to forage for food, set up an indoor agility course, and play “find the toy or treat.”
  4. Make an indoor or backyard potty – Having a stash of pee pads in the house may prove useful, if you and your dog don’t want to go outdoors. Also, consider making a potty for your dog in the backyard by bordering off an area of the yard.
  5. Do not overfeed – While more and more Americans are forced to stay home and self-isolate, it is easier than ever to stress eat during this time without realizing it—and overfeed pets alongside yourself. According to a recent Pet Obesity Prevention survey, nearly 60 percent of cats and 56 percent of dogs are considered overweight or obese, which can lead to health problems.
  6. Develop a schedule – Many pets, like people, are comforted by routines. As many of us find our daily routines disrupted, it’s important to develop new rituals and routines that help give pets structure. Continue to feed them and walk them on a similar schedule, if possible, or develop new indoor routines to replace the missing rituals.
  7. Quarantine yourself from pets – If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or suspect that you may be positive, it remains unclear whether a pet contract COVID-19 or become a vector for passing it, so steer clear of pets and other humans in your household during this time. If you cannot find someone else to care for your pet, continue providing care yourself, but limit contact with them as much as possible. Try not to pet them but, if you must, wash your hands both before and after. Do not kiss them or snuggle with them, and wear a face mask around them. Once you get better and the quarantine has passed, you can give your pet extra love and snuggles to make up for the couple of weeks apart.
  8. Plan for medical emergencies – If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or suspect that you may be positive, and your pet becomes sick or experiences an emergency that requires veterinary attention and no one else can take them to a vet or animal hospital, pet owners should call ahead to inform the vet of the situation.
  9. Have updated medical records – If worse comes to worst, you may have to board your pet to keep him or her safe. For this reason, it is a good idea to ensure every pet is up to date on his or her vaccines. Also, make sure pets are microchipped and that their records are up to date.
  10. Stay calm – Since pets pick up on our nervous energy, the last thing you want to do is stress them out in a way that causes them to act out, further perpetuating your own anxiety. Do some deep breathing, pet them calmly, and make sure to give them your full, undivided attention at least 15 minutes per day, to soothe both them and yourself.
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An Immunity Boosting Solution

RestoraPet’s breakthrough blend of all-natural supplements and 12 antioxidants is designed to heal the cellar degeneration associated with aging from the first administered dose and is a truly complete solution for boosting overall pet immunity. The organic, vegetarian & GMO-free formula includes 50 milligrams of Vitalitrol®, a proprietary carbon-based antioxidant that begins working from the first administered dose to rehabilitate and protect every cell type in your pet’s body, and actively combats inflammation with Omega3 and Omega-6, boosts immunity and fights infections with complete vitamin E, improves mobility, increases muscle strength, elevates energy levels, eases discomfort, improves mood, increases trainability, supports organ health (especially heart and kidney), improves skin and coat health with lutein and zeaxanthin and supports happier, healthier pets. RestoraPet is also the only anti-aging supplement offered in bacon and beef flavors to satisfy even the pickiest of pets.

To learn more, visit


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