Inspirational Stories: DeKori and Christian Robinson

Dekori and Christian

Originally posted on February 1, 2020 @ 5:19 pm

Many teenagers are busy with school, work and getting ready for the next chapter in their lives. They also take time to have fun, socialize and spend time with family and friends. DeKori and Christian Robinson do the same, but take things one step further with their incredible business and work ethic.

The brothers who are sixteen (Christian) and eighteen (DeKori), are the brains behind Defiant Ones Teen Magazine. These young entrepreneurs began the magazine just a short time ago, but already have made a name for themselves. The magazine is unlike many teen magazines because it is made by teens and gives a true understanding of what it is like to be living during those formative years.

In a recent interview with TVGrapevine, the brothers talked about their magazine, which is about to release its fourth issue this month. The magazine covers topics teens love, such as sports and entertainment, but also goes into lessons not taught in school. This is a huge passion project for them and they hope to reach and inspire as many teens as possible. Their goal is to let their readers know that being themselves is the most important thing they can do in life.

The dynamic duo is also planning a podcast, set to be released February 3rd. It is an offshoot to the magazine, covering similar topics and telling stories of others that they find to be inspirational. They also will continue to share their own experiences in life.

Many people say they don’t know what it is about kids today…I can say that I do know—they are out there working hard, inspiring people and taking charge of their lives. DeKori and Christian are young and have their whole lives ahead of them, yet have accomplished more than some of us have in a lifetime. They will continue to succeed and persevere as their lives progress, making many people, including myself, very proud. I truly hope my future children, nieces and nephews see these brothers and look to them as role models. If they end up as hardworking and determined as them, it will truly be a blessing. 

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