High Potential Recap for 1/28/2025
High Potential Recap for 1/28/2025
-A dying man named George Donovan talks about Thanksgiving ten years ago and confesses to killing someone named Barry by pushing him down the stairs and hiding his body in a sauna. He makes his stunned family recording it as he dies.
-Melon and John come in and talk about the confession, bringing everyone champagne. Selena is pissed and wants the good scotch.
-Selena explains the case and how while George was a suspect there was not enough to convict him. Billy Ross, a local drug dealer, was also a suspect. She never believed that George was the killer since nothing added up, but she has no idea who could have done it.
-Selena recruits Morgan to look into the case to see if there is something she missed that can prove George is innocent.
-Morgan studies everything on the case while multitasking and figures out George is innocent….she even says that Barry wasn’t even pushed down the stairs.
-Morgan figured out that Barry was killed in a bathroom while in the shower. He was actually electrocuted by a hairdryer, pushed down a laundry chute (getting blood on George’s shirt, which initially made him a suspect) and put in the sauna.
-Selena thinks that the new safety features on hair dryers puts a hole in theory, but Morgan points out that it was an old hair dryer. She also points out that there is a possibility the timeline is off, leading to Selena investigating again.
-Nedda Donovan, a member of the family, comes into the precinct to film her story.
-Selena, Adam and Morgan go to the Donovan home to investigate and find that Morgan’s theory was correct. They look deeper and re-enact the case. They are able to prove Morgan’s theories correct. We also learn the family claimed the footage from security cameras was deleted.
-Nedda thinks that George’s confession is a sham. She says he begged her to not go forward with the documentary and that the family would stop at nothing to protect each other.
-The team is caught by the Donovans while investigating. They explain why they are there as the family talk about how the case ruined their lives. Barry and George fought over Barry’s drug use and there were several fights, and Heather’s shirt caught on fire. The whole night was chaos and at one point George threatened to kill Barry. At one point, Barry and Heather’s son Cody storms off.
-Nedda admitted that when Heather’s shirt caught on fire, everyone could see her bruises, inferring that Barry was abusive toward her. This was kept hidden to protect the family name.
-The Donovans admit what happened to Heather and how it caused a huge fight. Mama Lenore Donovan admitted to drinking that night and seeing Barry go into the sauna.
-Nedda also admitted that Barry threw Heather’s things at her when she allowed Heather to crash with her.
-Lenore admitted that the guys went upstairs to turn off Barry’s dirty movie and to get Christmas movies. However, Matty and Clark were both alone at one point, making them suspects.
-Nedda witnessed Matty buying drugs from Billy that night, putting his alibi on shaky ground.
-The captain shows up, getting Selena, Adam and Morgan into trouble.
-Morgan figures out that Barry was killed before midnight and someone wearing his robe went downstairs. She reiterates her previous theory and claims Cody killed Barry to protect his mother.
-Morgan explains how he did it, which is more or less how she theorized. The TV being on and changing channels was explained away by a special remote control.
-Cody confesses to everything and says he told George what happened, leading to him taking the rap. He will be tried as a minor.
-The captain thanks them but tells Selena not to sneak around again.
-Selena and Morgan share a sweet moment as Morgan goes to get her coat, seeing that Adam put her sheriff button on it.
-More next week, stay tuned.