Marine George

Celebrity Spotlight: Marine George

Originally posted on January 18, 2020 @ 11:25 pm

Tell me about yourself and career.

I’m a French actress, screenwriter and producer based in-between Los Angeles, Cape Town and Paris. Prior to acting, I pursued a career in research, strategy, diplomacy, tech and defense across 4 continents. But that wasn’t quite enough, so in 2017 I embraced my one childhood passion: acting! Since then, I’ve been lucky enough to star in several stage and screen projects among which the Oxygen series Up and Vanished, the critically acclaimed play Othello: A Woman’s Story, the series’ project Stiffs and several other short and feature films.

I recently decided to bring my own stories to life and I am the proud creator of Wanderlost!


How would you describe Wanderlost?

If you like wacky humor and satires, you will love Wanderlost! The series was shot in the beautiful city of Cape Town, South Africa (awarded best city to travel this year!), and follows two former best friends, Jessa and Leku, reuniting for better or for worse!


What is your role?

I play Jessa, the colorful travel influencer who just can’t get enough of herself and never seems to know what not to say.


Do you relate to your character? If so, how?

Sadly, I do! Jessa is an overachiever who got completely lost in her addiction to traveling. Although I am a traveler at heart, I also know that this nomadic lifestyle can be isolating and this series helped me to process that.

Moreover, Jessa taught me that doing more is not always better, and we shouldn’t base our self-worth on external validation.

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What was the biggest challenge of working on the show?

The distance! Production happened in Cape Town and post-production is taking place in Los Angeles. It’s really hard to keep the energy flowing when both teams are so separated.


What was the most memorable moment?

After we shot the series, we organized a photoshoot which morphed into a wrap party. We were together from 2pm to 4am, people were coming and going, laughing, talking, shouting. Things got very real, it felt like a true family reunion. That’s the magic of cinema!


What do you hope people like about it?

The 18 months I spent in South Africa changed my life and I hope that the series will kindle people’s curiosity for this wonderful country. I also hope the audience will enjoy the humor and want to travel to experience people and places rather than to post selfies!


What else are you working on?

I’m actually back in South Africa at the moment as I am playing in Othello: A Woman’s Story, an LGBTQ+ adaptation of the Shakespeare tragedy, set in a contemporary prison.

Early 2020, I also have three shoots lined up – can’t tell more about it yet but it’s exciting! – and you’ll catch me on Oxygen Channel in the upcoming series Up and Vanished!


Tell me a fun fact about yourself.

I think I come across as pretty serious and put together when you first meet me, but look for me backstage and you’ll see a jumping animal roaring and dancing around constantly! Also, I previously lived in France, South Africa, Congo and Qatar!

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What are you watching on tv these days?

SO. MANY. SHOWS. Many of my favorites are actually ending: Bojack Horseman, The Affair, Silicon Valley, Mr. Robot, GLOW, ... But I’m sure I’ll find some amazing new series and I can’t wait for the next seasons of Barry, Westworld, Call My Agent, Money Heist and many more.


Anything else you want to share?

If you like international films, join my newsletter: every month, I share info about wonderful movies from everywhere but the US to expand your horizons! I’m also on social media (Instagram and Twitter) with the handle @sheikhamama .

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