Originally posted on August 23, 2019 @ 6:24 pm
I love checking out new celebrity trends. Not only are they interesting, but they also allow for me to learn and perhaps even add things to my own life.
One that I am interested in trying is called Cryotherapy. Mark Wahlberg recently talked about his favorite cryotherapy products by °CRYO Science.
The 48-year old movie star and fitness fanatic is a well-documented cryotherapy devotee and has recently come out in support of both the °CRYO Arctic chamber and the Cryotherapy is the science of exposing the body to sub-zero temperatures (up to -140°C/-220°F) in order to stimulate multiple physical and mental health benefits.
Cryotherapy speeds up muscle recovery and relieves pain from any part of the body. It helps with weight loss and enhances general health and wellness. Cryotherapy is also used to treat aging and various skin symptoms.
The benefits of cryotherapy stem from reducing the surface temperature of the skin to 4°C in order to increase blood circulation throughout the body and reduce inflammation.
Check out https://www.cryosc.com/ for more information.