America’s Got Talent Recap for 7/23/19

Originally posted on July 23, 2019 @ 10:58 pm

Tonight is the second round of judges’ cuts on NBC’s America’s Got Talent. Dwayne Wade is the guest judge. He also happens to be married to new judge Gabrielle Union. Julianne Hough, Simon Cowell and Howie Mandel are also judges. Threw Crews hosts. 

Bir Khalsa is a danger act that takes the stage first. It is interesting….they smash fruits and veggies while blindfolded and using different parts of the body. The judges freak out, but is it enough to move them to the next round?

GForce is an all girls singing group. They sing an original song called Simon Says, which is of course dedicated to the man himself. They want to be the next One Direction and the judges seem to enjoy them. However, they do remind them there is a lot of competition.

We get a montage…then get to Dom Chambers. He is a magician who uses Siri to help make cocktails. It is quite clever and I hope he moves on so we can see more.

Lamont Landers takes on Pink, which is unusual, but somehow works for him. I like how he made it a bit acoustic. However, the judges seem to be less than impressed.

Michael Paul is a ventriloquist who gets buzzed by Wayne and criticized by Simon. Ginzilla the drag comedian doesn’t fare much better.

Alex Dowis Light Show is up next. They reenact the Man On The Moon walk, which leaves me speechless. The judges also love it. Simon has goosebumps on his goosebumps.

See also  What To Watch 5/22/19

V. Unbeatable is an Indian Dance Team that can give the DWTS troupe a run for their money. They are that good. They also have a beautiful backstory and dedicate their performance to a crew member who died. They get a Golden Buzzer from Wayne.

Adem Show does a movie inspired performance based on Night at the Museum and Izzy and Easton do another contemporary routine. 

Next up is Verba Shadow, who do some sort of witchy, mythological shadow performance. The judges like it, but don’t necessarily understand it.

Robert Finley is the blind Vietnam vet who wows with another original song. I actually think that Dwayne would have given him the golden buzzer had he not already used it. Everyone is super impressed with him.

Duo Fusion impresses with a balancing act, while Valerie Saffaras gets buzzed with her comedy routine. 

Ryan Niemiller is a comedian who focuses on his disability (he has no hands)and talks about his dad, who is deceased. He wishes he were here with him today. The judges can’t wait to see more.


V. Unbeatable – Dwyane Wade’s Golden Buzzer.

Dom Chambers 

G Force 

Robert Finley 

Bir Khalsa 

Alex Dowis Light Art Show 

Ryan Niemiller 

More next week, stay tuned. 


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