New Game of Thrones Odds via US Bookies

Originally posted on May 8, 2019 @ 3:48 pm

Copenhagen – May 8, 2019 – Bran Stark emerges as the new ODDS-ON favorite to rule Westeros by the end of HBO’s Game of Thrones at 2/5 odds, according to data collected by betting intelligence network Holding 7/1 odds last week, Bran has now tumbled to overtake his sister Sansa Stark (4/1) as the favorite.

Losing one of her most trusted allies in Missandei, another dragon in Rhaegal, and with her relationship with Sansa deteriorating, Daenerys Targaryen’s odds have shifted to 16/1, up from 14/1 last week.

“Though the Iron Throne is looking like less of a reality for Dany, she may be in for a bit of good news,” says US-Bookies betting industry analyst Alex Donohue. “Her odds of being pregnant currently sit at 2/1.”

Sandor Clegane’s “unfinished business” in King’s Landing hints at a potential Clegane Bowl taking place. Odds predict The Hound to fall in this battle (2/1), while The Mountain’s odds of dying are 1/3.

Jaime Lannister is the current favorite to kill his sister Cersei at 7/5, with Arya following closely at 2/1. Tyrion Lannister and Daenerys are less likely to kill the queen at 15/2 odds.

Now the legitimate son of Robert Baratheon and lord of Storm’s End, Gendry’s odds to rule Westeros have risen from 6/1 to 9/1. After having his marriage proposal rejected by Arya, Gendry’s odds are now equal to Jon Snow’s, who has voiced his reluctance to take the throne despite being the true heir.

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Cersei’s chances to remain on the Iron Throne have shifted from 40/1 to 33/1 now that her opponents’ forces are down one dragon and a significant amount of soldiers.

Though they shared a bit of romantic moment during the Battle of Winterfell, oddsmakers don’t predict Tyrion and Sansa to remarry, as the odds of this happening are 5/1, compared to 1/10 odds of it not happening.

Though we may have seen the last of Rhaegal, data suggests Drogon will survive through the show’s end. Odds of at least one dragon surviving are 5/8, while the odds of none surviving are 6/5.

Who will rule Westeros
Bran Stark – 2/5
Sansa Stark – 4/1
Jon Snow – 9/1
Gendry – 9/1
Tyrion Lannister –12/1
Arya Stark – 14/1
Daenerys Targaryen – 16/1
Cersei Lannister – 33/1

Disclaimer: The odds posted in this article are for illustrative purposes only, as wagering on such props is not currently legal in any U.S. state. The data was based on betting markets offered by UK/European/worldwide operators regulated in jurisdictions where wagering on these props is legal.

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