Matlock Recap for Sixteen Steps

Matlock Recap for Sixteen Steps

Matlock Recap for Sixteen Steps

-The flashback to how Matty became ‘Matlock’ and putting the plan together to figure out which lawyer was responsible for Ellie’s death was unexpected, but I loved it.

-Alfie deleted the dating profile, while Matty and Edwin plan on taking the next step in their plan.

-Sarah and Billy continue to have great chemistry with Matty and each other.

-This whole case about the baby dying due to contaminated baby formula is so heartbreaking. Seeing the flashbacks to the first trial is even worse….there is no way to get through this episode without crying.

-Ana and Vanessa are the two moms whose baby died, and they are expecting again.

-I am so glad the women are getting a second trial for the death of their baby. Having Matty on their side is really going to help.

-Stanley, the guy who found Matty on the dating website, mentioned the previous place she knew him from, freaking her out. Olympia overheard her tell Edwin, which has Olympia concerned and Matty worried her cover may be blown.

-Olympia being so sweet with Matty over her financial situation, although it is made up, shows that she has a softer side to her.

-Ana and Vanessa are willing to have Ana testify….and the foreman who was working in the factory was fired.

-The flashback to Olympia and Julian questioning the factory workers while fighting over their children seems so on brand for them.

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-Olympia never struck me as someone who used to be a smoker…but it came in handy during her initial questioning of Teddy because she got one of the workers to talk.

-The same man who testified in the original trial will be questioned again. Harold, the foreman who was fired, made some changes in the factory, which might come into play in the new trial.

-Edwin is helping Matty with the Stanley debacle. There is something so oddly cute about this.

-Billy and Sarah are trying to question the FDA about the baby formula. She gets sassy, so Billy takes the call off speaker and handles things.

-Matty questions Harold, who is so not in the mood to talk. She puts her foot in the door and won’t move until he is willing to answer her questions. He still isn’t cooperative but allows her to use the restroom.

-Julian and Olympia are getting frustrated with the case progress, but he tells her they will work together to get things right this time.

-Matty calls with news that Harold isn’t a good person and it seems she found some information.

-Harold seems to have been embezzling, which caused him to get fired….but did he? It could have been something connected to the contamination, taking the case in a while new direction.

-Seeing these Julian/Olympia flashbacks make them realize that there was something wrong with the roof in the factory, leading to the contamination.

-The roof caved and the money Harold spent on it doesn’t add up…..leading to Olympia investigating and seeing that there was mold on the roof, which could have caused the issues.

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-Vanessa is testifying since Ana’s doctor told her that her BP is too high.

-Stanley wanted to contact Matty to give her a picture of Ellie and to say his own son, Tommy, was using again. He and Ellie had been friends and now Stanley needs her help.

-Stanley is breaking my heart as he worries about his son Tommy being missing after his relapse.

-Vanessa is upset during the meeting with Olympia and Julian, so Olympia suggests they take ten.

-Olympia sees Stanley and Matty talking and makes sure she is okay. Matty does the same, leading to the women bonding.

-Matty talking about Ellie’s childhood is so sad. It is so nice for Olympia to be there to comfort her.

-The talk about broken bones and casts ends up leading to them realizing that the cast Teddy wore could have played a role in the contamination. He had no idea this could have happened.

-The defense lawyer tries to poke holes into Teddy’s new testimony, which can kill the case for Vanessa and Ana.

-Vanessa talking about Baby Dante before his death is so beautiful and sad, but is also winning over the jury.

-Vanessa and Ana are awarded 8 million in their case due to the negligence of the factory.

-All the stress may have caused Matty to have a heart attack.

-Matty is going to be fine, but Edwin is worried about her working too hard. He wants her to slow down and possibly quit her job and investigation.

-She refuses to give up, but Edwin thinks this is all a sign that she needs to quit.

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-I knew Julian and Olympia were going to hook up.

-Matty was about to quit, but now she was promoted to pharma…giving her access to what she needs for Ellie’s case.

-More December 5th. Stay tuned!


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