January 29, 2025
Hell's Kitchen Recap for 11/7/2024

HELL'S KITCHEN: Gordon Ramsay in the HELL'S KITCHEN “Hell On Wheels” episode airing Thursday, Oct. 31 (8:00- 9:01 PM ET/PT) on FOX. CR: FOX. ©2024 FOX Media LLC.

Hell's Kitchen Recap for 11/7/2024

Hell’s Kitchen Recap for 11/7/2024

-Meghan is upset about being up for elimination and talks to Brittany, (who was also up for elimination) about it. They are both upset, but are glad Chef Gordon Ramsay believed in them enough to keep them.

-The next day, everyone is surprised by the Yale Wiffenpoofs, a singing group from Yale.

-The first challenge has them grabbing five ingredients in five rounds and make a decadent dish.

-The singing for each food group his hilarious.

-Kyle’s ham jam sounds amazing.

-Before long it is time to taste the dishes. Chef Gordon Ramsay gives the pros and cons of each before declaring the blue team the winner, thanks to Egypt having the best dish.

-The blue team will get a spa day and pool party while the red team prepare for steak night in the kitchen by making butter, picking thyme and making chimichurri.

-Hannah is breaking down because she is thinking of her late husband, who took his own life three years ago. She wants to leave the competition, but Chef Michelle talks to her and convinces her to stay for now.

-Dinner service time–steak night style!

-Seeing Egypt fanboy over Nikki and Brie Bella Garcia is the cutest thing ever.

-The red team struggle over the risotto. Hannah tries to fix it but gets more agitated.

-Chef Gordon Ramsay gets mad at the red team because they keep messing up. Apps are undercooked and everything is a mess.

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-The blue team also has issues with food being overcooked.

-The red team pick up the pace, but then ruin it by attempting to serve raw veal. This results in them not serving their last table on time.

-The red team must now choose people for elimination.

-The ladies argue over who should go home and start playing the blame game.

-Meghan and Ann Marie are chosen for elimination, with Meghan going home.

-More next week, stay tuned.

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