Harry Potter Wizards of Baking Recap for 11/21/2024
-We are in week two of Harry Potter: Wizards of Baking. This week, the remaining teams are at a new location—Gringotts! It is gorgeous on TV, I can’t imagine what it is like in person.
-James and Oliver Phelps explain the new challenge: they must make their new creation based on Gringotts. There will be a new guest judge this week: Warwick Davis, who played three roles in Harry Potter.
-The dessert must be three feet tall and have two tasting elements. The winner will get an advantage to use next week. There will also be three head-to-head baking duels. The winners will be safe and one of the losing teams will go home.
-Elizabeth and Juan will make the Teller’s Desk from The Main Hall with lots of chocolate and pink champagne cake. As an aside, Juan won the show School of Chocolate.
-Zoe and Jordan also have The Main Hall and add different architecture elements, as well as the chandelier. Jordan is using inspiration from his grandfather to make the dessert.
-Miko and Chris use The Magic Below representing Tunnels and Carts with waterfalls and spinning elements. Their flavors include ube cake and chocolate.
-Lisa and Mitzi’s Tunnels and Carts has the Thief’s Downfall made of chocolate and bonbons in a rocky road flavor.
-Miko dropped part of the cake, which is the worst nightmare for any baker.
-Hemu and Riccardo make a dragon from The Vault with chocolate and vanilla cake flavors.
-Kimberly and Ashley’s vault contains jewels and lots of variations of chocolate.
-Mizti talking about how rocky road has special meaning from her childhood is so sweet.
-Twist! A hidden element must be added to the bake!
-Juan talking about starting over at sixteen and planning on going to med school (before changing his mind and going into the culinary field) is amazing. I love all these back stories.
-Riccardo’s chocolate wall melts, setting him behind, but he is able to pull through and get it to work.
-Chris and Miko admit they are polar opposites but are able to work well together.
-The teams all seem to be running into some issues, but manage to all finish in time.
-Elizabeth and Juan vs. Zoe and Jordan: Both teams present their desserts. Zoe and Jordan’s is well-made and delicious, but Jordan’s element is a bit rushed.
Elizabeth and Juan’s build is also incredible with lots of delicious flavor.
The winning team is….Elizabeth and Juan!
-Lisa and Mitzi vs. Miko and Chris: Lisa and Mitzi’s escape build is filled with chemical reactions …which don’t work properly, messing up their reveal. The tasting elements went over well, though, even though they wanted more crunch from Mitzi’s.
Miko and Chris’s is absolutely gorgeous and delicious, but Miko’s cake is a bit gritty. Chris’s candy is an explosion of deliciousness.
The winning team is…Chris and Miko.
-Hemu and Riccardo vs. Kimberly and Ashley: Hemu and Riccardo’s build is beautiful with a wonderful balance of flavors in both tasting elements.
Kimberly and Ashley’s build has some of the best sculpted cakes I have ever seen, with nice tasting elements, albeit a bit safe.
The winning team is….Hemu and Riccardo!
The overall winner of the challenge is Elizabeth and Juan and they will find out their advantage next week.
The eliminated team is….Kimberly and Ashley.
More next week, stay tuned.