Will Trent Premiere QuickCap for 2/20/2024
Will Trent Premiere QuickCap for 2/20/2024
-Will Trent is back!
-Betty returns as well as Nico! I love them both!
-It looks like a piece of jewelry was found and everyone is arguing over who should put it into evidence/see who it belongs to.
-The flashbacks to Will’s childhood/him seeing himself as a child completely shook me.
-Who is Agent Dawson and how is she connected to Will?
-How is the Wakefield case connected to the pool ad?
-Wait….was the wrong car targeted?
-Do you think someone was trying to kill you today? ::dude runs:: Yes, it was a case of mistaken identity.
-As an aside, the Wakefields remind me of the Sweet Valley series…..is the wife a Jessica or an Elizabeth?
-Wasn’t Angie with Will last season? Or am I misremembering?
-Angie is trying to get back on the force….but I have a feeling something bad will happen with the physical exam.
-This mistaken identity thing is super confusing.
-Wait, who is Luke? He is connected with Faith, but hopefully we will see more of what is going on.
-The little girl in the car is Violet from General Hospital.
-48 hour date…..over, end of discussion. I like Faith.
-Do you often stalk a murder victim’s neighbor at random or am I just lucky?
-Socks and clean underwear look an awful lot like stolen money.
-Arthur’s son is in prison and his life is being threatened…..so he is paying someone off and got caught.
-Agent Dawson is into Will!
-Why is someone after Miles? It seems like an inside job….but why?
-Angie and Will have such a wonderful friendship and chemistry.
-Will stripping down and going into the water is not at all what I expected.
-Will asking Angie to chaperone his date (so to speak) is so on brand for him.
-It’s so interesting to see how Angie and Will respond to trauma so differently.
-Faith explaining how bourbon and rye are different to Luke is awesome…..girl after my own heart.
-Random Bank Lady who caught Arthur is identified as Emily Chu…..and she is in a car about to explode.
-Hi, I am Agent Dawson, I’ll be diffusing your bomb today…..that was so unintentionally hilarious…..as was Will deciding to hop in the car to question her.
-Why the hell is there a random cat where Faith is working? Is the cat going to join Betty?
-Emily was trying to protect her brother who was also being threatened?
-Everyone peed themselves…..it is understandable in this case!
-Agent Dawson, I’d like to take you to dinner, diffuse another bomb and have sex with intercourse. This show is full of hilarious lines for a crime drama!
-The old school answering machine giving clues to the bombs was such a weird, unexpected twist.
-Michael finding out his wife is having an affair at work is so sad….especially since his son knows he was tracking her. I don’t know how that connects to Max (son)playing X-Box twice a week though.
-There is a bomb in the lot….which scares poor Barney, who owns the cats.
-This show is so intense!!!!
-The cats smelling the bomb chemical probably saved everyone since now the bomb is found and Agent Dawson can diffuse it….hopefully in time.
-Michael looking for his son as they are all trying to escape had my heart in my throat the entire time…..and when the bomb went off…..holy crap…..
-Will’s flashbacks during the aftermath as he breaks down made me cry…..Cricket dying breaks my heart…..I can’t…..why did they kill her?
-Wait, what? Who is James?
-We end like this? WTF?
-More next week, stay tuned.