The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Recap for 10/30/2024

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Recap for 10/30/2024

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Recap for 10/30/2024

-If I were Angie, I would have kicked everyone out for fighting.

-Mary praying over everyone is so on brand for her.

-Justin pouring Lisa’s alcohol down the drain is….a huge waste of free booze. At least give it to someone else. Or leave it on their doorstep.

-Lisa, no one would have you on GMA to tattle on Whitney about her jewelry.

-These people are fighting like middle school girls.

-I see both sides in this Britani and Heather thing. I have been in both their shoes, but Britani needs to move on.

-Britani saying she’d sacrifice her kids for a man is so gross. I was understanding at first, but that is going too far.

-Bronwyn showing up in different costumes to pick up her husband at the airport is hysterical.

-I love how much Todd loves Gwen and wants what is best for her. He has been in her life for ten years and really loves her. He’s a good stepdad and she (and Bronwyn) are so lucky to have him.

-Admitting you’re in a codependent relationship isn’t the flex you think it is, Lisa.

-Lisa talking about no one going to Henry’s party is making me so sad.

-So these women are all fighting but want to go on vacation together with their husbands. Make it make sense.

-To be fair, most of these people drink, so bringing wine seems like it would make sense. I thought Britani drank too and even if she didn’t, she could have given it to someone else?

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-Seeing Britani’s dad talk about his late wife is making me cry.

-Are Angie and Heather really fighting about Lisa at a celebration of life event? This is so wildly inappropriate.

-Wait, Heather and Lisa are friends again? I am so confused.

-Why is Angie bringing up Jen?

-At least Justin and John can agree to disagree on the issues with their wives.

-Bronwyn’s house is very interesting looking. It is like nothing I have ever seen before, but I kind of like it?

-Where has Meredith been? Has she even been on this episode?

-If Bronwyn and Heather don’t like each other, why are they hanging out? Also, if I were Bronwyn, I’d kick her out.

-At this point, I’d tell Heather she wasn’t invited on the trip and tell her to leave since she is being so rude.

-Even the dog thinks this is ridiculous.

-Heather is like, screw you guys, I’m going home.

-Bronwyn and Heather fight so much because they are so much alike and can’t admit it.

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