Matlock Recap for A Guy Named Greg

Matlock Recap for A Guy Named Greg

Matlock Recap for A Guy Named Greg

-Matty working with her husband and grandson on a case is so cute.

-The firm trying to pick jurors is actually quite interesting. Who knew they went through social media accounts and family backgrounds. I only got called once and was excused, so I have no idea if this is accurate or not.

-Matty purposely making her phone ring to get the judge to ban phones so her grandson can hack Olympia’s phone was genius.

-Olympia and Julian are getting along…for about five seconds.

-Sarah thinks Olympia is mad at her and asks why. Olympia tells her she knows what she did, leaving her confused.

-Alex finding Matty comforting is so sweet. However, her wanting her in court for moral support puts a damper on her plan to hack into the phone.

-Alex is suing her former job for wrongful termination after her boss Jeremy allegedly groped her.

-This case took quite the turn from sexual harassment to Alex in a video with her boss(?) in a bra asking to spank him. Unless she is doing one of those crappy sexual harassment videos they show at work orientations, I am so confused.

-Wait, was this video a sex tape? I am so confused.

-Apparently, Alex dated a dude named Derek who went on to work with her and then broke up with him when he got the job. This could possibly be used against her.

-Is this Derek dude in the video?

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-The gang is trying to look into Jeremy, so they visit Billy’s mom and sister at the police department.

-A woman named Shae is now helping the case. She reminds me of Taylor Swift.

-Alex had a lot of strikes against her before getting fired….but they all happened after the party.

-The jurors don’t like Olympia….so they are dropping like flies. Shae now wants Matty to try the case. Olympia is NOT happy about this.

-Billy and Sarah found out Jeremy had groping charges against him.

-Matty has the phone!

-Derek did release the tape of Alex. It was a sex tape of role playing and he released it as revenge for the break up.

-Olympia is sinking the case and admits they need Matty.

-Matty for her part, is staging a flower delivery for Olympia so she can access her phone.

-Matty has to hurry so she won’t get caught by Olympia.

-Olympia catches Matty on her computer and spills coffee all over it.

-Despite Olympia being upset, she admits she needs Matty for the case.

-Sarah still has no idea why Olympia hates her.

-Olympia’s laptop is toast.

-Elijah and Julian going head-to-head over everything makes me kind of love them together.

-I am loving how everyone is coaching Matty in this case.

-Matty freaking out over taking the case and having to deal with such behavior from men…only to have Alex hear it is so sad for the both of them.

-In a weird way, Olympia and Matty have such a good bond. I am curious to see where it goes from here.

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-Matty reflecting on how some guy named Greg may not have been as funny as she remembered makes me think that this will be important in the case.

-Matty playing dumb and then blasting Jeremy with her new evidence is epic! That’s our girl!

-Matty ending the case by talking about her thoughts changed on the case and how women were treated is so sad, but something so many women had to deal with. It is even harder to hear her talk about her own experience with a man ‘getting fresh with her.’

-This was so powerful. Matty is showing how her bias almost ruined things, but seeing the error of her ways is what is saving Alex and so many others.

-MATTY WON THE CASE!!!! She got Alex nine million dollars.

-The happy dance between Matty and Olympia has to become a regular thing.

-Ah, so Olympia didn’t want Shae hired, but admits she misjudged her.

-Shae is warning Olympia about Elijah….I wonder why.

-Olympia deciding not to date Elijah due to her career and family is the right thing to do, but I have a feeling it is going to end badly.

-Olympia doesn’t trust Sarah…yet…because she doesn’t stop apologizing.

-Billy talking to Matty about his insecurities at work is adorable. They are going to have a sweet bond as the show goes on.

-Matty switched the computers so she has Olympia’s was not what I expected.

-The hidden document on the computer was a message from Olympia’s dad telling her to give them hell…which Olympia told Matty. So why is Matty saying they aren’t friends.

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-More next week stay tuned.

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