Masterchef Recap for 8/21/2024

Masterchef Recap for 8/21/2024

Originally posted on August 22, 2024 @ 8:47 am

Masterchef Recap for 8/21/2024

-Tonight on Masterchef: Generations…..our top 14 will be cooking with Blue Moon beer. Our reigning champ Grant will be on hand to help them out since he is a beer expert.

-Michael won last week, so not only does he have immunity, but he has an advantage. He can choose someone from a generation other than his to be safe 2/3 through the challenge.

-The best one to cook their beer infused dish will get the immunity pin, but they will save their entire generation. The worst cook will be sent home.

-Becca doesn’t drink, so it poses a bit of a problem for her, but she plans a beer coated shrimp dish to the best of her ability.

-Warren is also making a beer infused shrimp dish.

-Hallie samples her beer as she makes her dish.

-Fatima also doesn’t drink for religious reasons. This poses a challenge for her, but she is determined to cook to the best of her ability.

-Arthur wants to make a beer infused cod, but isn’t sure what to do. Joe and Aaron both offer him advice on how to make it work.

-A lot of them seem to be enjoying the beers for drinking more than cooking.

-Adam is making beer bread and honey beer compound butter with slaw and crispy chicken.

-Kimberly makes a chicken dish with mango beer and slaw.

-Daniela makes a Valencia orange shrimp dish with beer.

-Kamay’s dish consists of a pork chop with a dry rub mixed with beer.

-Jeet uses two different beers for her fish and chips dish.

-Rebecka makes a snapper and polenta dish poached in beer. She is also making a seafood medley to go with it.

-Murt is making fish tacos with a mango beer slaw.

-Michael chooses to save Adam, but possibly put a damper on Gen Z since he was making the best dish out of the bunch. Will they end up being on the losing team? We shall see.

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-Warren is working on his beer shrimp dish with polenta and mango reduction, but seems a bit frazzled. I want to hug him.

-Becca has Murt taste her dish because she doesn’t drink. He tells her it is good.

-Fatima struggles with her sauce but hopes for the best.

-Daniela is struggling with getting her shrimp done with only minutes to spare.

-Arthur’s dish isn’t quite done, so he hopes for the best as well. He is afraid since he was already in the bottom two twice.

-Before long, time is up and the judges go around to taste each dish. They give the pros and cons on each before deciding on the top four.



Gen Z: Murt: His beer battered fish tacos and mango beer slaw was well-cooked and flavorful.

Millennial: Kamay: Her beer rub pork chop and succotash is delicious and full of flavor.

Gen X: Arthur: His cod with rainbow chard infused with beer is simple and perfect.

Baby Boomers: Rebecka: Her snapper puttanesca and polenta is ‘a joy to taste.’

The winner of the night is….Rebecka! She won the immunity pin and has saved all the Baby Boomers from elimination.



Gen Z: Fatima: Her BBQ chicken and potatoes has a sauce that is way too thick and he chicken is overcooked. The potatoes are undercooked. The judges also can’t taste the beer.

Millennial: Jeet: Ger Blue Moon beer battered fish has good ideas behind it, but it is poorly executed. However, it does taste good.

Gen X: Daniela: Her beer poached shrimp is not up to par for a winning dish.


Fatima is eliminated.

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-The top thirteen will be cooking a meal for construction workers in a desert.

-It will be Millennials and Gen X (Red) vs. Baby Boomers and Gen Z (blue).

-Rebecka is Blue Team captain and Arthur is the Red Team captain.

-Rebecka still has her immunity pin, but she still must cook. She also gets to choose the protein for her team. She chooses chicken, which means the Red Team will be cooking burgers.

-They have 30 minutes to make a sample plate and an hour to cook for 100 workers.

-The Blue Team decides to make a dry rub chicken with an adobo sauce, corn salsa and a macaroni salad.

-The Red Team makes a Swiss bacon burger with a chipotle sauce and coleslaw.

-Kamay and Arthur argue over using unsliced brioche buns vs. presliced Hawaiian rolls.

-Rebecka and Horacio argue over how long to cook the chicken and butt heads over a lot of things. She thinks he is the ‘unknown’ in the group and worries about how he will perform.

-Arthur seems to be losing confidence in his leadership skills, worrying Kamay. The more he tries to do, the more overwhelmed he gets.

-The judges talk to each group to see their progress and offer commentary and advice.

-The Red Team wants to make changes, so Kamay keeps telling everyone to talk to Arthur, making him even more overwhelmed. He begins to get annoyed with how she is taking over.

-Horacio and Rebecka continue to butt heads. Chef Gordon Ramsay tells them that the chicken is too dry, so they make a marinade, which is too salty. Chef Ramsay gets annoyed with both of them and tells them to get it together.

-The Blue Team is now making macaroni and cheese.

-Horacio is taken off chicken and put on slaw duty. He is not happy with this.

-Rebecka tries to get things under control, but things seem to be anything but.

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-The Red Team continues to work on their meals, but seem to be falling behind on making the burgers. He has to pivot people and get them on burger duty to catch up.

-Kimberly says they need more slaw, but Arthur doesn’t seem to be listening to her.

-Chef Gordon Ramsay gets annoyed when the Red Team runs out of slaw.

-The burgers are raw, infuriating Chef Gordon Ramsay.

-Kamay finally steps in to help with the burgers, saving the team.

-Both teams try and get food out, but they both run into issues with food not being cooked properly and running out of food needed to serve their meals properly.

-The Red Team messed up cooking bacon. They also keep butting heads when it comes to getting food out in time.

-The judges go around to see whose food is better. It is a mixed bag as to which team ranks supreme.

-The Red Team runs out of slaw and bacon, and they also don’t wash the lettuce. Chef Gordon Ramsay is fed up with all of them.

-The Blue Team pulls it together and hug over their victory.

-Arthur apologizes to his team for letting them down.

-The Blue Team wins! They are all safe from elimination. Rebecka will get a huge advantage next week.

-The Red Team will now lose one member. Arthur takes full responsibility for his actions.

-Arthur, Daniela and Jeet are in the bottom three, with Arthur being eliminated.

-More next week, stay tuned.

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