Hell’s Kitchen Recap for 1/11/2024

Hell's Kitchen Recap for 1/11/2024

Originally posted on January 18, 2024 @ 10:00 pm

Hell’s Kitchen Recap for 1/11/2024

-Everyone is celebrating getting a black jacket….maybe a bit too much.

-Johnathan apparently imbibed a bit too much and is called out by Chef Ramsay.

-The first challenge is to make an Instagram worthy meal that can go viral via photo.

-Sammi is also struggling after her night of partying, but is determined to do well.

-Before long, it is time to judge the dishes. After Chef Ramsay, his social media page and Chef Kevin Meehan give their feedback, they determine that Leigh is the winner.

-Why does Chef Ramsay insist on calling them young man and young lady? I find it so demeaning.

-Leigh wins a day of relaxation with high tea and time at the Muscle Lab. She chooses Carmen join her. In addition, she also gets a Spiceology set for her kitchen.

-Johnathan continues to feel called out by Chef Ramsay and won’t stop complaining about it.

-Everyone else is blanching and peeling almonds.

-Dinner service time! As always, the cooks will make food for a dining room full of people, including several celebrities.

-Johnathan continues to struggle and get called out by Chef Ramsay, causing more tension and fighting…to the point where he is told to shape up or go home.

-The entire kitchen seems to be struggling. There are issues with food dropping, food not cooked properly and lots of tension. Chef Ramsay is at the end of his rope and yells at them to get it together.

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-The steak and fries dish looks so delicious.

-Once the Wellys are undercooked, Chef Ramsay stops orders to get them back in the game and cooking properly.

-People are getting annoyed about not getting food…..but they get more wine?

-The night is a disaster and now they must choose two nominees for elimination.

-The nominees are Dahmere and Leigh because they dropped the ball.

-The chef going home tonight is….Leigh…..and this is GASP WORTHY! WTF?

-Dahmere is also eliminated for….not delegating. I hate that argument. While I agree delegating should happen to a point, people should responsible for their own work. It is not anyone else’s responsibility to make them do their work.

-More next week, stay tuned.

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