Face to Face With Scott Peterson Recap for Where is Laci Peterson

Face to Face With Scott Peterson Recap for Where is Laci Peterson

Originally posted on August 24, 2024 @ 4:22 pm

Face to Face With Scott Peterson Recap for Where is Laci Peterson

-The episode opens with a woman looking at a wedding album for Scott and Laci Peterson. She called it ‘quite an event’ and says that the two of them were very much in love. A voiceover talks about Laci’s disappearance, Scott denying involvement and other highlights from the murder case.

-The woman, who is identified as Scott’s sister-in-law, says he was wrongfully convicted and today is the first time he is speaking on camera about the case.

-Scott talks via Zoom about how he plans on showing people the truth–that he did not kill his family.

-Ted Rowlands, a TV anchor, talks about the case and how he cannot imagine how a pregnant woman could just disappear. He talks about how Scott could have been involved and how his behavior and evidence led to more questions than answers.

-More news footage talks about the push for a new trial and how the LA Innocence Project is taking on the case to help prove Scott is an innocent man.

-A new theory claims that Laci was actually kidnapped and killed by burglars. More DNA evidence was being tested that could lead to Scott getting a new trial.

-March 12, 2o24. Scott is in court via Zoom to state his innocence. The media is all over this turn of events, wondering how this could possibly happen and if this new evidence could prove that he is innocent after all.

-Shareen Anderson, who is a documentary filmmaker and investigative journalist, talks about how she began researching the case in 2013. She initially thought Scott was guilty, but as she looked into the evidence, she began to question this, thinking that a lot of it could be interpreted in different ways, making it circumstantial. She decided to make a documentary about this, first reaching out to Scott, who did not respond, and then to his sister-in-law Janey.

-Janey says this turn of events is quite interesting and is glad that Shareen decided to take on the case and hopefully prove that Scott is innocent.

-Shareen’s goal was to talk to Scott and see what he had to say about the lies he told and the evidence against him.

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-We see footage of Shareen and Scott talking about the case. She asks why anyone would want to hear what he has to say. He says that he wants people to hear and see the truth to take the hurt off of his family. He says don’t trust him, but to look at the evidence.

-December 24, 2002. The day Laci went missing. We hear the call from her father reporting her missing and footage of her life with Scott. Her mother Sharon Rocha talks about the last call she got from Laci and how they had plans to meet the next day for Christmas Eve dinner. She also talks about how Scott called her, wondering if Laci was there….and that was when she knew she was missing.

-We then hear Scott’s side of the story and how he claimed to call her friends looking for her, soon going into a panic. Janey remembers Scott calling her husband and how they went to help him look for Laci.

-Former detective Al Brocchini remembers getting the call about Laci’s disappearance while at a cabin with his family on Christmas Eve. He recalls getting to the Peterson home and seeing several people there, ready to search for Laci. Janey also remembers the search party coming together.

-Al was suspicious that Scott seemed so clam about the entire thing. He questioned since he was the closest to her.

-Scott claimed that there was no sign of a break in, but authorities suspected foul play was involved.

-Several patio umbrellas wrapped in a blue tarp were found in Scott’s car, as well as rags and his clothes in the laundry. He claimed that he was storing the umbrellas and washed the clothes after getting caught in the rain. Authorities found this suspicious, especially since his jacket was found in his car and it was dry.

-Scott was a person of interest, but nothing could be proven at this point.

-In the Zoom interview, Scott claimed that he knew he was a suspect, but maintained that he was worried about Laci the entire time.

-Scott was questioned by police. He claimed that he wasn’t being asked questions, but instead had lots of accusations thrown at him.

-We see home videos of Laci. Chris Pixley talks about the relationship between Scott and Laci as we see more videos. Several people, including Scott’s sister Susan and Sharon talk about how the couple met and share their own thoughts on both of them.

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-More archive footage of Laci and Scott is shown as Scott talks about their last morning together, as well as the aftermath when he became a suspect.

-More footage of Scott’s questioning is shown, with Al adding commentary about what he finds to be suspect, including him buying the boat and where he had been the day Laci disappeared. We also hear the voicemail he left on his way home. Scott claims that calling her beautiful and several other sweet moments during the call were normal. He also claims that he got his father-in-law Ron a boat for Christmas so the guys and Conner (Laci and Scott’s unborn son) could bond together.

-Scott’s actions before calling Sharon to ask where Laci was made Al suspicious. Scott thinks a lot of what he said was taken out of context.

-A neighbor named Karen was said to have found the Peterson’s dog all alone the morning Laci disappeared. She’d put him back in the yard and had gone shopping. She claims to have found him around 10:18am and a receipt put her at the store not too long after, making it clear that Laci had disappeared before the dog was found.

-Janey shows some stuff from the search for Laci, including pins, posters and paperwork. She recalls news of Laci’s disappearance going public on Christmas morning, leading to news footage on the case.

-Scott talks about how people assumed the worst because he refused to go on camera and show emotions.

-At this point, many tips are coming through, including sightings of Laci and possible foul play from other criminals. Once these were proved to be false, authorities zeroed in on Scott as a suspect.

-Authorities wanted to search the Peterson home, warehouse and vehicles and became more suspicious when Scott refused to cooperate. Janey denies this and claims Scott was willing to cooperate.

-There was no sign of forced entry, or a crime having taken place, but some of Scott’s blood was found at the foot of the bed.

-Scott claims that a lot of assumptions were being made at this point and that he felt Al was out to get him.

-The warehouse showed an anchor, but several were missing. A needle plier with dark hair was also found, along with concrete anchors.

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-At this point, Amber Frey comes forward as Scott’s girlfriend. She is willing to talk about her relationship with him and claims that she had no idea he was married. She was taken by him and found him charming and before long, their relationship began.

-Amber agreed to work with the police and have her phone calls with Scott recorded. She also said that he claimed his wife had died. When she talked to him, he’d claimed that he was traveling, but that was of course proven to be false. Authorities wanted her to turn up the ante and had her become more confrontational so they can get more information. She calls him out on the lies about losing his wife and makes it clear she knows he was married. He continues to lie.

-More and more evidence, including the boat and the fact that Scott was searching the tides before the disappearance made him an even bigger suspect. The only question was…how did he kill her and dispose of her body?

-Scott says the accusations that he killed Laci to get out of the marriage and fatherhood are offensive, but admits he does regret cheating on Laci.

-News of the affair soon became public, making people become more suspicious of Scott. Janey says that this was disappointing and switched the focus of the investigation.

-More archive footage talks about Scott’s lack of cooperation and the rift between the Rochas and the Petersons.

-At this point, the Petersons hire Gary Ermoian as a PI. He looks into the case to help prove Scott’s innocence. They still believe Laci is still missing and want to find evidence of this.

-A woman named Diana Campos claims to have seen a pregnant woman walking a dog. Several other people claims to have had similar sightings. She was said to have been wearing a white top with black pants.

-Scott thinks this is proof of his innocence and that he is being targeted. Janey agrees with this sentiment and thinks things were handled very poorly.


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