Big Brother 25 Recap for 10/24/2023

Big Brother 25 Recap for 10/24/2023

Originally posted on January 16, 2024 @ 8:32 pm

Big Brother 25 Recap for 10/24/2023


It is Veto night on CBS’s Big Brother 25. When we last left our houseguests, Blue and America were put on the block by Jag. Blue thinks she is a pawn, but Jag wants her gone because she is a good player. America knows her days in the house are numbered with Cory gone.


Bowie feels better not being on the block and that the rumors she heard about Jag and Matt are just that. Jag tells her Blue is the true target.

Matt and Cirie continue to bond. He sees her as a mom at this point and thinks that keeping her and Felicia will be best for him and Jag…who agrees. However, only Cirie knows the plan to take out Blue. She isn’t sure how to feel since she knows that Jag and Blue are close/


Matt, Bowie and Felicia play POV along with America, Jag and Blue. Cirie is the only one not playing and is worried about what she should do about Blue. She knows if she says something, the whole thing can blow up in her face. She talks to Felicia about the situation, who goes right to Jag, who questions Cirie’s integrity.

The competition has everyone in a different room putting together pictures provided by the Humili-verse. Bowie, Blue and Jag are in the top three, with Jag winning POV!

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Jag fills Matt in on Cirie’s betrayal…leaving him to question everything.

The POV is not used, despite Jag considering putting Cirie on the block. Blue is the target….and little does Jag know that he is next!


Eviction Thursday, stay tuned.

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