The Bachelor Women Tell All Recap for February 25, 2018

Originally posted on February 25, 2018 @ 10:59 pm

It is time for The Bachelor: The Women Tell All on ABC. Tonight, the eliminated contestants return to confront Arie, each other and of course talk about their time on the show.

After a recap of past WTA episodes, we meet our eliminated contestants: Olivia, Jessica, Jenny, Lauren G, Lauren S, Annaliese, Brittany T, Marikh, Jenna, Ashley, Krystal, Jacqueline, Caroline, Bibiana, Chelsea, Bekah, Sienne and Tia.

Yeah, I have no clue who half these girls are….Olivia….Jessica? Anyone know who they are? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? No? I guess it doesn’t matter, since we are only focusing on two or three of these girls anyway.

More recaps and Jimmy Crack Corn, I don’t care because I’ve seen this already. Nor do I care about Glam Shame Gate 2018. It is not a thing, did we really need to waste all this time on it? Really?

Bekah and Tia fight over how Tia went after her and told Arie she was too young. It seems like a lot of the girls are on Bekah’s side. Bekah also calls out Krystal’s maturity, which leads to Krystal getting attacked.

Bibi goes after her first for interrupting her time with Arie. Everyone then begins screaming and arguing as Krystal goes to the hot seat.

We get a recap of her time on the show and it is more time than necessary. She says she stumbled and fell–and what? She also felt left out and regrets not building friendships with the girls.

The girls call her out on her BS and call her fake. Caroline calls her a sociopath and yells at her for calling the girls something not appropriate for print.

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This goes on for way too long….jeez and crackers.

They also complain about her voice and why? NO ONE CARES!

Her brother also saw her on the show and is coming home.

Seinne is in the hot seat next and says it wasn’t meant to be and she hopes to meet the right man. That was it…why have her up there in the first place?

Bekah M. is in the got seat next and she says she feels betrayed and hurt, especially when she thought they had something special. She is sick of the age thing, and guess what? So am I.

Chris Harrison also calls her mom to prove she is NOT missing and can we move on already? She is so going to be on BIP, though, which will be interesting.

Tia’s turn! She is still heartbroken and in love and crying over Arie. There was no point in having her on there either.

Arie takes the hot seat next. The girls take turns talking to him and it is pretty boring until he gets up to Caroline, who says she knows what he did and she doesn’t understand why he did….but she hopes he found what he was looking for…whatever that means!

Krystal talks to Arie and  he thinks he kept her too long and there seems to be two different sides of her. The whole thing is embarrassing and pointless.

Bloopers…but more importantly, we have John Cena, who offers Chris a chance to go to Wrestlemania. He is actually there to promote his new movie Blockers.

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Fantasy Suites tomorrow night, stay tuned!








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