American Murder Laci Peterson Recap for Nothing Can Change the Truth

American Murder Laci Peterson Recap for Nothing Can Change the Truth

Originally posted on August 18, 2024 @ 11:27 am

American Murder Laci Peterson Recap for Nothing Can Change the Truth

-The final episode in this series opens with Laci’s mom Sharon talking about Scott and Laci’s rehearsal dinner and how Laci was worried that she may be getting married too young. She also talked about how she was initially suspicious of Scott and things he claimed to have accomplished but dismissed them. Now she wishes she had listened to her gut.

-We see news footage of Laci’s body being discovered, as well as the reactions of her family, friends and those covering the case.

-Sharon recalls getting the call about the body being discovered.

-Investigators talk about how this went from a missing persons case to a murder investigation. Footage of the area where Laci and Conner were found is toured and how it possibly could have happened. It is believed he had killed her via suffocating or strangulation and then disposed of her body.

-After both Laci and Conner were found, a warrant was obtained for Scott’s arrest. He is soon caught and put under arrest.

-News archive footage is shown from his arrest. It is revealed that he was on the run and had money, credit cards, weapons and several other things that added to the suspicion on him, including his brother’s ID.

-As he was heading back to Modesto he seemed more interested in getting food, rather than reacting to his wife and being found.

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-As Scott was brought back to Modesto, a huge crowd of people was waiting for him.

-Mark Geragos was announced to be Scott’s lawyer. This allowed for more media coverage since he was a big-name attorney at the time.

-More footage shows the reaction to this turn of events. Nareg Gourjian was also a part of the team and was shocked that the case was getting so much attention.

-Amber, for her part, hired Gloria Allred for her attorney, leading to more media attention on her and the case.

-Gloria talks about working with Amber, who was being painted as a villain and mistress.

-The whole case becomes a media circus as the jury is chosen and the case goes to trial. The case was soon compared to the OJ Simpson case, minus the televised trial. We see several pieces of news and courtroom footage to drive this point home.

-Scott claimed that he and Laci were watching a Martha Stewart episode featuring meringue. While the prosecution thought this was a lie, that very episode did air that day, putting a wrench in their argument.

-Geragos was said to have been a very intimidating defense attorney. Al Brocchini, who was a detective working on the case, explains his MO and how Geragos would question people to get the answers he wanted, even yelling at witnesses for not looking at him.

-He also talks about questioning neighbors and how when he was on the stand being questioned by Geragos, parts of it were missing.

-Another person who questioned the neighbor was able to give the correct information, but it still looked bad to the jury.

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-Conner’s death was also brought up in the trial, which put into question when he and Laci died. More theories, including a possible kidnapping, were brought into play, which put another wrench into the case.

-Amber Frey was brought in as a witness next. She recalls being put on the stand and how recordings between her and Scott via the police were shared with the media.

-Scott’s lies and behavior lead people to believe that the murders were premeditated.

-The verdict declared Scott was guilty of the murders of Laci and Conner, causing a media frenzy and leaving both families in a state of shock. He was given the death penalty.

-Several people also recall Sharon taking the stand and asking Scott why and how he could kill his own wife and baby….her baby and grandbaby.

-Family, friends and those involved in the case look back on everything that happened over the years and how their lives have changed. A montage of Laci’s life plays as people remember things and discuss how and why something so horrific could occur.

-Sharon wonders what could have been and looks back on the memories she has with Laci.

-Janey Peterson has obtained a law degree to help fight for Scott’s freedom.

-On August 24, 2020, the California Supreme Court overturned his death penalty sentence, citing that the jury was improperly screened for bias against the death penalty. He was resentenced to life without the possibility of parole.

-The docuseries is dedicated to Laci, Conner and anyone else who has faced violence in a relationship.

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