AGT Fantasy League Recap for 1/15/2024
AGT Fantasy League Recap for 1/15/2024
Tonight’s AGT Fantasy League has ten more acts trying to qualify to be in a ten person dream act with each of the judges—Howie Mandel, Simon Cowell, Heidi Klum and Mel B. Terry Crews hosts and will announce the six acts moving forward at the end of the broadcast.
Heidi will get the Golden Buzzer this week, which also gives him the chance to steal an act.
Junior New System—Mel B
They were on the show in season 13. I don’t recall much about them, but they are amazing tonight. I love how they give acrobatics a hip hop twist. The fact that they are all in heels is even more impressive. I am thoroughly impressed with the entire thing.
The judges are impressed and wish them luck.
Chapel Hart—Simon
They competed in season 16 and got the Group Golden Buzzer. They decide to use their last song, despite the fact that they got eliminated when they performed it. It is a gamble, but it worked. This was such an amazing song and I am glad we got to hear it again and even better than before.
The judges can see their determination and love how well they performed.
Fritzy Rosmerian—Howie
She is from Indonesia’s Got Talent and placed fifth. She has a major social following and discovered her gift when she was seven years old. Her act includes a stuffed bear that helps her read minds. Howie and Heidi also help her as she guesses a name he wrote down, something she said…..all while seeing an audience member while blindfolded.
The judges are a bit confused with the act and don’t think it had much of an impact.
Pack Drumline—Simon
They were on AGT on season 17, an experience they said changed their lives. Tonight, they cover songs from Kendrick Lamar and Queen. I am a huge fan of drumlines and this proves why…..they add so many different aspects to the act that it makes them really stand head and shoulders above the rest.
The judges think they are the ones to beat and have a chance to win it all.
He won Mongolia’s Got talent! His cover of Low Places is incredible and one of the better music acts of the season. There is something so special and innocent about him that it immediately gives him a special likability factor.
The judges love it, even though Howie thought he was lip synching.
Sofie Dossi—Heidi
After her stint on AGT 11, she became a major TikTok star. In addition to being a contortionist, she is a musician and actress.
The act has her in a hoop that is set on fire…she adds her usual acrobatics, but this time she is older and therefore more experienced in the art. The ending, where she shoot a balloon with a fiery bow and arrow—WITH HER FEET—is icing on the cake.
The act is SO GOOD that Heidi uses her Golden Buzzer to send her straight to the finals.
Genevieve Cote—Howie
She was Howie’s Golden Buzzer on Canada’s Got Talent. She sings and makes animal noises…which is interesting, to say the least.
Howie loves it, but the other judges are left underwhelmed.
Yu Hojin—Heidi
He was on AGT during season 16 and made it to the semifinals despite Simon’s protests. Tonight, he makes paper airplanes appear crumpled paper turn into balls and pinwheels. It all appears out of thin air, making it even more impressive and mesmerizing.
The judges love it and think it is one of the best magic acts as of late.
Ichiikawa Koikuchi—Howie
He made it to the semifinals on Britian’s Got Talent this past year. He farts….and farts…..and that’s it? I mean, having Howie command him to use his fart to break a balloon on his head was….a choice…but okay?
Mel B buzzes him, but Simon and Howie are oddly impressed.
Loren Allred—Simon
She was on both The Voice and BGT and even recorded a song on The Greatest Showman soundtrack called Never Enough. She preforms this song and WOW, the soundtrack doesn’t do her justice….this is one of the best acts of the night. The addition of harps and a cappella music and other string instruments make her shine even more. WOW.
The judges love it and are blown away by how spectacular she performed.
The acts moving forward along with Sofie are…..Pack Drumline, Enkh-Erdene, Yu Hojin, Loren Allred and Chapel Hart.
More next week, stay tuned.