The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Snark and Highlights for 11/21/2023
The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Snark and Highlights for 11/21/2023
-Heather’s daughter is so pretty and looks just like her mom and sisters.
-Heather wants to distance herself from Mormonism, so why is she making it her entire identity? Not snarking, genuinely curious.
-Monica going through photo albums and talking about her family is so bittersweet.
-I had no idea that Monica’s first husband was an addict and she left him when Bri was a baby….or that Mike adopted her.
-Considering that they are in a restaurant where they are on a first name basis with staff, you’d think Angie and Shawn would have better manners….please and thank you never hurt anyone.
-Shawn and Angie’s date night is the most awkward date I have ever seen….and I have been on some crappy dates.
-Heather buying Wendy’s and cookies for Lisa is next level BFF thoughtfulness.
-Um, why would Lisa think the mission would be about relaxing and shopping?
-A tropical trip sounds like the best thing ever right now.
-The ladies are off to Bermuda!
-Whitney’s pink zebra shirt is so cute.
-Why does Angie’s tuna tare tare look like bread pieces?
-I have never been married, but it sounds like the ladies just got too complacent and comfortable in their marriages and need to work on communication and re-discover each other.
-There are other animals that are monogamous….birds, orca, field mice…I feel so weird that I googled this.
-Hearing Whitney talk about losing her father-in-law breaks my heart.
-That being said, has anyone listened to this podcast?
-Heather’s party seems interesting…..if it is honoring the Mormon heritage, then why are they drinking? Serious question.
-Thank you, Whitney! I don’t get why she wrote about leaving the religion only to celebrate it again.
-The ladies making butter with the sexy music in the background is making me laugh more than it should have.
-The doll making is actually really cute.
-Monica making a Scarlet Letter doll was…..a choice.
-I don’t think cornbread, mac and cheese and ribs are in the Book of Mormon either, but it’s also a comfort/pioneer food party.
-I am not sure how I feel about them using the Mormon religion for these games and fights……it seems rather weird to me.
-Of course, Lisa and Monica had to start a fight that should have ended weeks ago.
-Whitney is right, Jeffery Dahmer ate people, not Ted Bundy.
-Why is Lisa so obsessed with defending Linda and being cruel to Monica?
-How long do we think this reconciliation is going to last?
-Both Lisa and Monica are at fault….but why turn down a trip to Bermuda?
-Monica thinks Jen SHAH is the voice of reason?
-More next week, stay tuned!!