Lego Masters Recap for 10/26/2023

Lego Masters Recap for 10/26/2023

Lego Masters Recap for 10/26/2023

Lego Masters on Fox opens with a Cirque du Soleil performance. This leads up to the announcement of this week’s challenge. Will Arnett tells them that they will build their own high-flying stunt creation…in teams. Amy and Jamie will judge, as per usual.

Four pairs will be on each team and they must put their heads together to make a build consisting of four acts: contortionist, balancing, flying and high wire. When it is presented, the Cirque du Soliel will return and perform side by side with the build.


Team Cirque: Aubree and Ryan (contortionist), Emilee and Kelly (flying), Alyson and Melanie (balancing) and Paul and Nealita (high wire)

Team Soliel: Neena and Sam (contortionist), Christopher and Robert (flying), Poppy and Ben (balancing) and Luis and Alex (high wire)


The teams get to work. Team Soliel does a sun and moon love story with a space theme.

Team Cirque does an underwater theme with a human becoming a mermaid.


Team Soliel decides to really use teamwork to their advantage and have everybody use their strengths in the build, therefore making it harder to choose a bottom two if their team loses.


Team Cirque, on the other hand, has everyone just do their own build with their chosen act. This comes back to bite them since their build is mismatched and it causes a lot of tension.


Will, Amy and Jamie walks around as per usual, giving commentary and talking about what they want to see, including ‘aligned builds’ and ‘fantastic performances’ that bring the build to life. They are all curious to see how the different teamwork approaches work.

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Aubree and Ryan struggle and worry about their portion of the build, especially when Amy tells them to make the mermaid, fish and seaweed move.


Twist! The duo who has the best build will win a trip to Vegas to see a Cirque du Soliel show.


Sam struggles with the gears on his build, causing him to get agitated…especially since he can’t use the Golden Brick to save him and Neena.


Before long, it is time to present the builds. As always, the judges give the pros and cons of each one before saying everyone did so well that there is no elimination.


Aubree and Ryan win the Vegas trip.


More next week, stay tuned!

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