Lego Masters Recap for 10/19/2023

Lego Masters Recap for 10/19/2023

Lego Masters Recap for 10/19/2023

Lego Masters on Fox has the remaining teams do a build based on what they think their assigned sound looks like. Will Arnett hosts while Amy and Jamie judge.

There will be ten hours to complete the challenge.

Neena and Sam have BOING as their sound. They make a cuckoo clock.

Tim and Tim have Twinkle and make an open treasure chest.

Luis and Alex make laughing monkeys to represent AH-HA!

Poppy and Ben make a Godzilla monster for RAWR.


As they build, Will reminds everyone that the Golden Brick is back in play. He, Amy and Jamie also walk around to offer advice and commentary to each team.


Emilee and Kelly make robots for their Ba-Donk sound.

Allyson and Emily make a monster picnic for the Snarl sound.

Paul and Nealita make a baby stepping on a mouse to represent a Squeak.

Christopher and Robert make an alien ship sucking up cows for their Zap sound.

Aubree and Ryan make an alien spaceship that crashed for BRR-BRR-BRR. Since their sound is similar to Christopher and Robert’s, a rivalry is born.

The Tims run into issues with their build when their treasure chest door is too heavy to lift with the power function. They quickly turn it into a stage instead and make it turn to reveal said treasure….with a magic show story added at the last minute.

Before long, time is up and the judges give the pros ands cons of each build.



The top two teams are Neena and Sam and Luis and Alex, with the mother and son winning and reclaiming the Golden Brick.


The Tims and Aubree and Ryan are in the bottom two, with the Tims going home.


More next week, stay tuned!


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