Big Brother 26 Recap for 9/4/2024: Will Angela Remain on the Block?

Big Brother 26 Recap for 9/4/2024: Will Angela Remain on the Block?

Big Brother 26 Recap for 9/4/2024: Will Angela Remain on the Block?

It is POV night on CBS’s Big Brother. When we last left our houseguests, Quinn became HOH and put Angela, Rubina and Kimo on the block.

Quinn is determined to get Angela evicted because he doesn’t want to ‘see her get carried to the end of the game.’  He tells Rubina and Kimo that they are pawns due to them being Team Tucker.

Angela knows that she is a target and realizes that she only has herself to blame.

Quinn hopes that everything goes according to plan and he won’t have to backdoor anyone.

Chelsie wants to find a way to get T’Kor backdoored in order to ‘scare her a bit.’ T’Kor, for her part, is worried about this very thing, especially since Quinn already put Kimo on the block.

Joseph has a crush on Leah, who also loves him… a platonic way.

Angela apologizes to Quinn, who claims there are no hard feelings, and he wants what is best for her at the end of the day.

Chelsie and Joseph discuss gameplay and how having a ‘social strategic’ game is th way to go. He also admits to having a final two with Tucker and says the two of them have similar gameplay. Chelsie is confused, then offended by this. He also compares himself to Dr. Will, which is interesting.

Leah and Angela bond over feeling left out in the house and make a sweet connection based on how they each have a soft spot for the other.

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Joseph and Leah are playing the POV comp with Quinn, Angela, Kimo and Rubina. Leah doesn’t want to win because despite feeling left out, she still feels a loyalty to Quinn. This puts her in a tough spot due to her bond with Angela.

Quinn thinks Joseph can help keep the nominations the same if he wins….but also wants him on the block if he does need to backdoor someone….but it sounds like it will be as a pawn?

Rubina, Kimo and T’Kor declare that they are in this together.

Comp time! They must all correctly build a bot in the dark. The first one to complete the task will win POV.

Quinn accidentally tosses one of the bot legs and loses it. This causes problems for him completing the comp.  Everyone else works on their own bots, but Leah ends up pulling ahead and winning the POV.

Leah wants to use her power to make a big move, but is also frustrated because she feels so alone in the game.

Quinn realizes that Angela and Leah have a bond and worries that this might put a damper in his plans to evict Angela.

Angela, for her part, refuses to put any pressure on Leah.

Quinn tells Leah he wants Angela gone, but Leah wants her to stay because she knows Angela has her back.

Angela tries to save herself by getting into Joseph’s good graces, but he is having none of it. This makes Angela mad, especially with his attitude towards her, so she decides to talk to Leah to save herself.

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Leah tells Quinn she wants Angela to get to jury to help her own game. Quinn tells her that this will only put a target on her back. He also tells her that if Angela goes down, Joseph goes up.

Leah uses the POV. Angela is off the block and Joseph is on due to Quinn protecting those who helped evict Tucker.

Joseph vows to go after Quinn if he survives eviction.

Live eviction tomorrow, stay tuned!

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