BIG BROTHER July 28 on the CBS Television Network and live streaming on Paramount+ and PlutoTV. Pictured: Kenney Kelley. Photo: CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Highest quality screengrab available.
Big Brother 26 Recap for 7/28/2024: Who is the Second HOH?
Tonight, on Big Brother 26 on CBS! We last left our houseguests after Matt was evicted and everyone else waited for the HOH comp to begin.
Before we get to that, they all react to Matt leaving. Lisa lies to Chelsie about her vote, with Chelsie being on to the fact that she is lying. T’Kor and Kimo wonder who else voted to keep Matt since they know that Leah and Makensy voted to evict Kenney.
Speaking of those who wanted to keep Matt in the house, Leah and Makensy are crying over the fact that he is gone. Despite understanding why, they are still upset. To honor Matt, they decide to keep the Barbershop alliance in his honor. They also plan on taking down Angela.
HOH time! This competition has them in the backyard answering true or false questions based on animal videos they watch. Makensy is determined to win, while Chelsie wants to lose so she doesn’t end up with blood on her hands.
Everyone wins the first round. One by one, people get eliminated in round two.
Cedric throws the challenge by answering wrong on purpose during the third round.
Before long, it is only Leah, T’Kor, Chelsie and Kimo left. Kimo is eliminated, leaving only the ladies in the next round. They all win round five, but Chelsie wins round six and HOH.
Leah is not happy about this turn of events.
Chelsie wants to clean up any messes made from last week.
Kenney worries that he will be on the block since he and Chelsie aren’t in a mutual alliance.
Angela thinks she is safe, but isn’t sure what Chelsie is thinking.
Makensy, Brooklyn, Rubina and Leah wonder what Chelsie’s plans are. Makensy feels safe due to her power.
Chelsie turns to T’Kor to decide who to put on the block. Chelsie also decides to talk to people in the house and make a decision based on what she is told.
Cam thinks she should put Makensy, Leah and Lisa on the block because they voted to keep Matt.
Tucker thinks Lisa should be on the block because she annoys him and tells this to Chelsie. She assures him he is safe.
Chelsie and Kimo bond over growing up Christian and coming out….Kimo for coming out himself and Chelsie for watching her brother come out. Kimo also says his father died before he was able to come out to him, but knows he still loves him.
Chelsie, Cedric and Cam make a core group and consider adding Brooklyn and Quinn to their alliance. Cedric pitches the final five idea to Quinn, who happily agrees. Brooklyn is also all in, but wonders if she has to worry about being the last one added. They call themselves the Pentagon and do a special handshake.
Chelsie and Angela talk. Chelsie wonders if she should use Angela as a pawn, while Angela wants to be a shield for Chelsie. However, she won’t be mad if she is put on the block.
Makensy talks to Chelsie about Matt leaving, feeling free to play her own game and her power.
Chelsie wonders if she should put Makensy on the block to get rid of the power.
The Pentagon discusses their strategy. Quinn decides to keep his special power a secret. He not only thinks that they will see him as a liar, but also wonders if Chelsie will flush out Makensy’s power, therefore causing their alliance to go after them.
Nomination time! Kenney, Angela and Lisa are on the block, but it’s not personal because she loves them!
Kenney thinks he is safe, while Angela wants to continue to fight in the house. Lisa is determined to get off the block.
More Wednesday, stay tuned!