The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Snark and Highlights for 10/10/2023

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Snark and Highlights for 9/5/2023

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Snark and Highlights for 9/5/2023

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Snark and Highlights for 9/5/2023……season four premiere!!!

-WTF with this Scream rip-off phone call? What did they all fall for?

-These Bible verses with flashes to the cast and the church was so surreal and odd at the same time.

-I never knew Lisa was the Sundance Queen…I knew she was involved, but not to this extent.

-Jack deciding to go on a mission is such an incredible thing to do….I am so proud of him for doing this.

-I get why Lisa is upset that Jack didn’t talk about the mission with her, but he probably needed to work through it/decide what to do on his own.

-Heather shoveling snow in heels is…..a choice……

-Yeah…..Whitney has no interest in being friends with Heather ever again. That is obvious.

-To be fair, Whitney didn’t directly say anything about the Meredith/Seth BathGate. The journalist took creative liberty to say she would rather have wine and make dinner and have her own private bath…but thinks baths are dirty.

-Meredith is taking BathGate waayyyy too seriously.

-SHE’S BA-ACK!!! Mary Cosby has returned and is iconic as ever.

-How has Mary not been able to ask her son about his relationship status? Sheesh!

-Mary talking about how her spicy salad is going to make her poop later is oddly relatable.

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-Monica called the Secret Service and became a witness to the federal government for Jen Shah…#PlotTwist.

-Sushi nachos sound delightful!

-Monica….whoever she is…..married one dude, got into an entanglement, got divorced, married the same dude she was married to again and is now divorcing him again? Did I get that right?

-How have you never made eggs before? I think I made them when I was like, five….with my mom helping, but I still could make eggs.

-Whitney’s reaction to Mary’s return is hysterical.

-Nobody read Heather’s book? That’s…..sad.

-Lisa’s dramatic reading of Mary’s texts made me miss Mary even more when she was gone!

-Whitney is being accuses of the pill popping rumor? Heather is snarky about Angie? So much for the fresh start!

-We spent five minutes on the fact that Meredith and Whitney don’t trust each other.

-Mary watching the snowball fight with her WTF face is such a mood.

-More next week, stay tuned!




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