Big Brother 25 Recap for 9/3/2023
This week on Big Brother 25! The previous week has been reset and now Jag is no longer evicted and Cameron can compete in the HOH comp. Cameron is upset because his week was a waste. Jag is upset that the house voted him out despite promising his safety.
Matt thinks using the power this week was perfect and apparently informed Jag about it earlier.
Cirie apparently also knew, but is playing dumb with her alliance.
Izzy and America think that it had to be Jag or Matt who had the power and want Red and Cameron on the block this week.
Cirie apparently also told Jared about the power and he is upset Matt didn’t tell him about it. Jared told Jag he was safe, which made him suspicious.
Jag talks to Cirie about the power and gets confirmation that she knew about it as well. Cirie is upset Jared blabbed.
Blue plans on putting Cameron and Jag on the block if she wins HOH.
The HOH comp has them matching photos to quotes in love letters written by houseguests.
Cameron doesn’t want to win, but also doesn’t want to throw the comp.
Jared wins HOH and is thrilled that his dream of winning a Big Brother comp came true.
Red and Cameron think they are safe, but Jared has plans of putting them on the block, or at least one of them with Bowie. Cirie is proud of his gameplay.
Blue and Jag say they trust each other the most. Jag says he is upset since he was told he was safe then evicted unanimously before the power came into play. They both think Cirie is somehow running the house.
Cory and America continue to bond. He admits he competed for the power and she confesses she wants Cirie gone and will put her on the block when she becomes HOH.
Jared tries to play Red and Cameron against each other by saying that he will put them on the block and that one or the other will be the pawn. Cameron thinks America should go on the block instead. Red seems to believe Jared’s claims that Cameron wants to ‘jump ship.’
Nomination time! Red and Cameron are on the block.
POV Wednesday, stay tuned!