Vanderpump Rules Reunion 3 Snark and Highlights for 6/7/2023

Vanderpump Rules Reunion 3 Snark and Highlights for 6/7/2023

Vanderpump Rules Reunion 3 Snark and Highlights for 6/7/2023

-It has all come down to this….the final part of the Vanderpump Rules reunion, marking the end of Scandoval being aired on TV. I have been following this for three months and I am dying to see how it all ends.

-Scheana in her reunion dress, a hoodie and making faces while drinking a White Claw is such a mood.

-Of freaking course Raquel turns on the tears right away.

-Lala has no sympathy for the one she called Bambi Eyed Bitch and I am here for it.

-As an aside, Lala needs to share her workout routine….girlfriend has some incredible muscles.

-Ariana calling Raquel out for calling herself selfish and being human is giving me life. Lala and James calling out Sandoval for defending her is even better.

-Okay, I could live without this did not, did too argument.

-Raquel, kindly STOP making yourself look like the hero by saying you were helping Sandoval come to terms with his relationship with Ariana ending. Also, Lala and James were wrong for their own dalliance, but it has nothing to do with what is happening now.

-Lala was wrong with the Randall thing, but she is not bitter. She seems more aware that her actions have consequences and that the whole Randall thing was problematic.

-Sandoval screaming at Lala was so gross. Even if he thought she was wrong and was upset about being attacked, he should not have screamed in her face like that….and also what was with Lisa’s condescending comments to Lala about not becoming a bitter woman? I usually like Lisa, but NO!

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-Scheana is just calmly sitting there eating her chips while making faces. It’s the commentary we all need!

-Brock does look handsome with his new haircut.

-Schwartz’s biggest issue is the fact that he looks weird making out? REALLY?

-Raquel is still making excuses for being with the Toms and I can’t even feel sorry for her about the James and Lala thing.

-Now Raquel is making Lala into the bad guy? Again, Lala being with James was wrong, but she did not resent you because of James and the lack of attention he gave her….she just did not like you!

-I’m with James, no one cares about what happened five seasons ago. I am so sick of the Lala and James stuff….we all know they were together, I think Lala even wrote about it in her book, so it isn’t even news anymore.

-I forgot about this whole feud with Schwartz and James.

-Raquel continues to lie…..

-The threesome with Billie Lee rumor was not on my bingo card.

-Raquel, it is a bit late for your fake pageant apology. Saying you only felt a connection with Sandoval when Ariana was your best friend is gross….and saying you’re a former people pleaser is supposed to make it all right? WTF?

-Ariana calling Raquel a Dementor completely took me out… did her saying that she hopes Charlotte haunts her.

-Now Raquel admits she is in love with Sandoval and vice versa.

-Lala telling Ariana that the two of them showing themselves to her is a blessing in disguise was what a good friend does!

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-I’m usually against people ganging up on someone, but Raquel’s actions made it understandable.

-Wasn’t it confirmed that Sandoval and Raquel had sex when Ariana was sleeping in the next room? Why are they still lying? Oh wait…

-Ariana talking about what she went through mentally during the aftermath makes me so sad. I want to hug her.

-Aside: How come Lisa hasn’t said anything to Ariana during this reunion.

-James calling Ally an upgrade from Raquel was a gasp-worthy moment. WOW.

-Sandoval dressing as Raquel for Halloween while they were sleeping together is a new level of WTF.

-THAT is what Lisa has an issue with? The costume?

-The lightening bolt necklace was indeed a signal to Sandoval and what he means to Raquel….I can’t even.

-Finally! Lisa is calling Raquel out on her actions!!!

-Sandoval still trying to justify his actions is making me sick.

-Sandoval calling out Ariana for wearing a t-shirt while having sex was so cruel.

-Sandoval and Raquel began a full on relationship in January or February…..or so they say.

-James calling Sandoval and Raquel poo poo heads that deserve to live in a poop house is making me laugh so hard.

-Ariana is calling them out and I love it! I am glad that at the end, Lisa is following suit and seems to have Ariana’s back—finally.

-Scheana and Brock need their own show doing commentary….I am loving their snark!

-Raquel’s pageant apology was so fake.

-I severely doubt Sandoval and Raquel learned anything from this situation.

-There is also no doubt in my mind that this affair happened much longer than they are saying.

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-Scheana is back!!!

-No new babies planned for Scheana, new gigs for James, no marriage for Schwartz, Katie wants to be a cool aunt, Sandoval can’t take accountability, Ariana is grateful for those who had her back and will not forgive Sandoval, Lisa hopes people will find forgiveness and Lala…..we have no idea.

-Raquel finally revealed that the affair was happening much longer and they hooked up in Mexico. She still doesn’t look at all sorry. She is also lying about being in St. Louis even though there are pictures.

-Wait, she is now saying she wanted to be a throuple with Ariana and Sandoval?

-The producer knows she is lying, Sandoval doesn’t want her to talk and they lied about hooking up in the house.

-That was all what we suspected, but why would anyone want to not sign contracts after this?

-That’s a wrap on the reunion, stay tuned for Secrets Revealed.

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