Vanderpump Rules Reunion 2 Snark and Highlights for 5/31/2023

Vanderpump Rules Reunion 2 Snark and Highlights for 5/31/2023

Vanderpump Rules Reunion 2 Snark and Highlights for 5/31/2023

-All this yelling and screaming is a sign that this is going to be one heck of a reunion.

-Switching gears and slut shaming Lala and James (or whatever you call slut shaming for dudes) is kind of gross and unnecessary.

-For all of Randall’s faults, I can’t fault him for not wanting Ocean on TV.

-James is proving to be the voice of reason despite all the screaming.

-Schwartz randomly doing push ups during break sent me…..

-I don’t blame the girls for wanting comfy clothes while they eat.

-Raquel and Sandoval still defending themselves and acting like the innocent ones is making me so sick.

-Girl, your character is in question? No, people see the real you and the fact that you are acting like you’re the victim is making sick.

-How did Sandoval and Raquel not realize that everything would be filmed and they can’t just leave?

-We know James is problematic at times, but they are making him and Ally feel like crap with the whole Raquel breakup.

-That being said, James needs to get help for his drinking….as do both Toms.

-Lala is right, the Toms have no say in anything regarding James and his drinking, especially since they are shaming him and being nasty about it rather than helpful.

-Mustache Worm Bitch is my new favorite insult.

-Ariana saying Sandoval just fucks the women rather than slapping their asses while drunk was the best part of this reunion so far.

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-Also, even though the waitress had to sign papers about Ass Slap Gate, wouldn’t someone have caught it on camera or said something about it….especially in the advent of iPhones and social media? This is Aspen-Gate all over again.

-Scheana and Brock being married prior to the actual wedding we saw is not at all surprising, especially due to the state of the world at the time.

-You’re like a serial killer’s wet dream killed me….I laughed soooo hard at that.

-Even though James and Ally should have left when they were fighting, and it sounds like it wasn’t even that big of a deal based on Ally’s take, I don’t think Raquel and Sandoval should be narrating anything about anyone ever when they can’t even tell the truth or own their own actions.

-How can Andy not know that Scheana can’t talk about an active case? Even I know that!

-Sandoval picks now to allegedly claim he is telling the truth…but doesn’t realize Ariana was there for the phone call and is telling what is most likely the truth….and she has Lala to back her up. He is a piece of work.

-Sandoval is getting his ass handed to him by Ariana and Scheana.

-Scheana is being such a good friend to Ariana. She may not have always made the best decisions, but she really has Ariana’s back and I love that!

-Raquel filed a request for dismissal for the restraining order…..I didn’t see this coming. I thought it was dropped because there was no proof or something.

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-Lala is also proving to be a good friend to Scheana.

-I never realized how much Scheana was there for Raquel and then got treated so badly.

-I never expected Schwartz to comfort Scheana like that….but it was sweet.

-Raquel says she wanted to send Scheana a note claiming more regrets….while smirking and laughing?

-Sandoval should just shut up because he is digging himself deeper and deeper into a big ole’ mess.

-Sandoval left….for what reason? To throw a hissy fit?

-Scheana making a special album for Andy was sweet….and oddly enough what we needed to get away from the drama.

-Raquel thinks it was all going to be hunky dory with Ariana….her best friend and the girlfriend of the man she is sleeping with….is she crazy?

-So…because Ariana believed Sandoval, Raquel’s actions were okay? But then when the truth came out, it’s like oopsie daisies, we were deceitful? Then you decided to lie until you were forced to tell the truth? Girl, what the HELL? Do you not hear yourself?

-Them playing Hot Potato with Schawrtz’s meds…..okay then!

-Scheana chilling in her dress, hoodie and sipping a White Claw watching the rest of the reunion is a mood and a half.

-More next week, stay tuned!

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