Undercover Underage Recap for The Nightmare Online

Undercover Underage Recap for The Nightmare Online

Undercover Underage Recap for The Nightmare Online

-Roo Powell is a heroine among us…..and deserves more recognition for the hard work she does to protect kids and get scum off the streets.

-This week’s episode takes place at the Sosa Decoy House. Roo and her team are trying to expose an alleged pedophile known as The Handyman…..whose potential charges include lewd proposals to a child under 16. He faces up to 20 years in prison and his identity is unknown. A 12-year-old named Abby is helping them by acting as a decoy. (not her real name or age, it is just an alias to expose him)

-The Handyman uses Snapchat to lure his victims, but the crew somehow manages to get blocked. They find a way to get him talking again so that they can get what they need to identify him. Isabel, alias Abby, gets the ball rolling.

-Another decoy named Skylar (real name Rebecca Marin) poses as a teenager to help with the exposure. She talks to someone named ACM, who admits to wanting teenage girls for sex. He is known as The Promoter to the crew and reached out to ‘Skylar’ via Kik, wanting to video chat. She goes along with it and gets him talking while the crew is in the room, recording everything and trying to find a way to identify ACM/The Promoter.

-I have to admit, this crew is GOOD at getting these predators to talk….they are more unsung heroes in the world.

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-Abby gets the Handyman back and convinces him to play the numbers game, where they ask questions based on numbers in order to obtain information. They are able to get his car and where he went to school, which is able to get them a basic idea of where he might live.

-This leads to them searching for his car (navy blue Mustang) and searching gyms in the area. It is not long before they hit pay dirt and find the potential predator…..however, they soon realize that it is not the guy.

-The Promoter faces charges for soliciting sexual conduct with a minor and faces a maximum of ten years in prison. This case might be a bit easier to crack since they have a specific time he will be in town to meet with Skylar.

-Haley, another member of the crew, finds The Promoter’s Twitter, which shows his email address…..leading to a forum, where he was seeking women in Oklahoma City…..the very area he said he was meeting Skylar. The forum exposed him as looking for sex with teens, making it a bit easier to expose him.

-Isabel, alias Abby is able to get The Handyman’s location, which is in Bethany, 20 minutes from Yukon. She ends up not getting much more and is upset with the entire situation….especially since she knows this happens to actual children who might not know any better.

-The Handyman has his Snapchat location on, making it easy for them to find where he is….or at least give them a pretty good idea.

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-The gang get into their car and follow the map, again hitting pay dirt. They find the Mustang AND the truck The Handyman claimed to own. They rely on the element of surprise to get him and haul him off to jail.

-The Handyman is finally arrested for soliciting sexual contact and lewd acts against a minor.

-Becca, alias Skylar, makes plans to meet up with The Promotor in order to take him down. They narrow down his location and are able to tail him enough to get eyes on him. Becca is at the ready to meet him as Skylar….or so he thinks. The actual plan is for her to send him pictures of what she will be wearing to the meet up, but it will actually be Roo meeting him to take him down.

-The promoter gives the name Cedric Smith, but it is not his real name according to his ID. He is busted and arrested….all the while claiming he knew this was a set up.

-The Promoter is currently in prison, while The Handyman is out on bail.

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